To people who enterd my 500 energy lottery.
The lottery has been cancelled due to Eurydice moving and locking the topic to the graveyard. I cannot refund all energy and please note that this is NOT my fault at all. Complaints can go to Eurydice.
I have came with an idea. I will run the lottery for those who have entered. Anyhow, Eurydice, is there any way I can make this lottery legit? As in allowed?

This kind of lottery is usually against the rules on other mmorpgs with good reasons. Too easy to scam people, too easy to make money.
Nice job scammer, you did well!
>I cannot refund all energy
Really, good job.

I have came with an idea. I will run the lottery for those who have entered. Anyhow, Eurydice, is there any way I can make this lottery legit? As in allowed?
Probably not, since you're refusing to refund everyone their money. You're a scammer, bro. Soon when the /complaints pile up for all the people you won't pay, OOO will check your transaction logs and you'll probably be banned. It's best you just give everyone their money back and stop trying to profit off this if you enjoy the game.

Boelens, you just joined a few days ago. Did you start this lottery to finance your arcade runs or purchases since you can't refund everyone who bought tickets.
IRL lotteries are done to finance charities, which would make Boelens the charity in this case. Most of us frown upon begging in game; and this kind of lottery is a more sophisticated form of begging. In this game, it's usually a fraction of the new people who beg and beg and eventually find themselves on the /ignore list of everyone else.
Then again, more people should question join dates on schemes like this to avoid getting sucked into them.

Boelens, you just joined a few days ago.
That's not exactly true. I believe the Join Date = Date you verified your account. Hell, I've been playing since SK first launched as Beta, but my JD doesn't say as much. Don't quote me on that, though.
Either way, this is too legit. Too legit to quit.

He is using his getting Eurypwned as a excuse, nice.

He is not a scammer, I won the lottery and he sent me the money via mail.
Do tell: why would you not be able to refund people's energy?