I was wondering if some of the preview things will be coming back to Spiral Knights. I wasn't around for preview but the things in preview look way more epic then the stuff we have on SK now. T^T see-thru slimes, tortodrone dude, epic looking gear, & so much more. Preview had some epic looking mobs. Sleeping slimes! The slimes that cause sleep!! I'm more used to the SK we have currently since i wasn't around for preview so it's only natural i like preview stuff more then the current stuff we have now.
Preview event! -BETA
Sleep works just fine, like any other throw vial it isn't a guaranteed status attack.
Slooms were cool, but there's no sleep resist armor outside of UVs right now. That has to change first.
See though slimes? Mine have always been translucent. If you have opaque slimes then you've got a video hardware/software deficiency.
I don't remember other armors, but I'm sure Jelly armor set gives you Sleep resistance, and it has piercing defense, so it would work against the only Sleep-inducing monster in SK as Slimes deal piercing. And you can easily get a 3* one for Jelly Tokens
Just a note, if you have your in game graphics options set on low or compatability mode(not sure which does it), you won't see see through slimes either.
It's compatibility mode if I'm not mistaken.
No, I'm saying that the slimes looked different in preview. They were less solid looking lol. Pretty colors (¬‿¬)
slimes can sleep? I thought the sleep status effect was broken.