Character Frozen After Elevator Ride

1 respuesta [Último envío]

So, this has happened to me a couple times now on different missions. The first floor of the mission is fine, no lag or anything, then I head down the first elevator. After the loading is done, I can't move, just sitting on top of the elevator panel unable to move, action, shield, or change direction. All other menus load and I am able to text in guild chat in real time without lag. I really don't know what could be causing this, it clearly isn't my internet, since I have no trouble having conversations in chat, not to mention that where I am gets a 1 Gbps connection and my current computer is on a wired connection, so latency lag shouldn't even really be possible. Usually if I wait upwards of 10+ minutes my character will rubber band around a bit and then I'll be able to proceed through the mission with maybe one or two other strange "lag" spikes where I am unable to interact with the world around me or something like that for upwards of 5 or more minutes. When I complete these "trouble" missions, no part of Haven ever gives me lag and most missions I can breeze through. However, this is the second or third mission I can remember where this strange "lag" has made me wait 10-20 minutes to start the second depth. Just wanted to post this here as it seems more like a server bug than any actual lag, hopefully it can get fixed for the future.

**Edit : So it seems that spamming items gets me out of the frozen state, this has worked a few times, that if I wait a while and then start spamming all the item hotkeys or my sprites attack keys it will activate one of them and "break me out" of the freeze, then I can continue the mission. If I hit another weird "freeze" state I can usually break out by using items and sprite attacks again after a period of patient waiting.

Imagen de Xaurian
This sounds similar to what's happened to me

And it keeps happening, especially with Firestorm Citadel for no reason.

I've had to close the game out using Task Manager and open it back up to get it to not break everything.