Awkward AI Bugs (Lichen & Devilites)
Has anyone noticed the strange AI bug that causes enemies to attack while they're moving, when they're not supposed to? It's most noticeable with Devilites and Lichen, and I can't recall it happening with other types or I just didn't notice.
They seem to move in a direction and charge up their attack at the same time, while also turning to face you the entire time, making it impossible to dodge. This is very painful to deal with against Devilites since they throw their projectiles, (and have smaller hitboxes?)
It seems like it's only the melee with the Lichen that goes along with this bug, and that there's no chance of movement while certain types are doing their painful rng spin attacks.
EDIT: I believe Quicksilver can charge up their self-electricity as well while moving with this bug, but I can't recall entirely.
This seems to have started occurring more and more often over the past year or so, and causes great pain for me as I venture through the clockworks.
I also believe Kats can do this too, I just seen movement with awkward turning of where a Kat was facing, but I do not recall them ever attacking while doing so. (Probably because they had to stop and dash to attack, otherwise they don't have anything)
A lot of enemies show this bug, but not all are able to attack when they're not supposed to, probably something alone the lines of their attack charging and forcing them to stop or other little coding things within the attacks that stop this bug or lets it happen with different enemy attacks.
The Trojans and Kats show this strange bug but don't seem to be able to attack while moving since there's some sort of little thing with their attacks that force them to stop entirely before charging to attack.
Oilers fall in the Lichen catagory. Are you referring to them plopping sludge on the ground (Oil Slick)? I believe that's supposed to happen while they're moving, and not a bug.
And yes, that's what happens with the Kats, I don't believe it needed to be explained so much, they're one of the only enemy that shows that they're aggro-ed on some one with changing their appearance.
Yes, I realize they fall under Lichen category. I simply wanted to point out the fact, that their sliding during attacks seems more like intended thing than a bug. Other thing is that it's a bit different than the actual bug you are complaining about, but still I thought it is worth mentioning. I admit I could phrase it better. So, no, I'm not reffering to plopping, I'm reffering to regular attacks.
Oh, yes, it happens, in all those situations you've mentioned. Oilers also do it, but they are the only monster that seems supposed to do it.
Regarding Kats, I can add some info. Before it happens, you can notice that Kat changes back to its normal (not angry) state for a brief moment near the end of its dash. When it stops after the dash, it starts moving to the dashing direction I think. Again with spooky face watching you.
However, I don't remember monsters not spawning at all.