Who's Attending SXSW 2018?

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The time of SXSW 2018 nears, so, I have this to ask, who's attending? I don't mind not attending.

If someone is attending to hear what they have in store for their projects from their panels, I'm sure their announcements will be exciting.

Convention's schedule is here: https://schedule.sxs.../events/PP99104

Now, there is one thing to ask to those attending Sega's panel at SXSW 2018...

Sonic Mania was amazing from start to finish, the Special Stages, the Zones, the bosses, the new Badniks, even the newest Super-Badniks, but, I noticed there's no artwork of said new Badniks, Super-Badniks & the new Zones being publicly displayed by the team that made the game, besides the Hard-Boiled Heavies.

Would any of you attending Sega's panel at SXSW 2018 please ask the panelists about showing everyone the artwork showcasing the new Badniks, (like, Woodrow, Flasher Mk.II, Bumpalo, Rattlekiller, Jellygnite(I know there's probably artwork made by C.W. himself before Sonic 2's 2013 re-release went up, 'cause it's the new original Badnik to a 2D Sonic game)), and the Super Badniks, (DD Wrecker, Hotaru Hi-Watt, Shiver Saw, Meter Droid, Amoeba Droid, Driller Droid, Uber Caterkiller, Big Squeeze, and Crimson Eye), & Dr. Robotnik's latest Egg Mobile design & its contraptions(like, the latest model of Egg Emperor, A.K.A., Death Egg Robot, in Sonic Mania, & Brass Eggman in Sonic 2 2013) so anyone can see it before the convention's over?

I've seen artwork about the Hard-Boiled Heavies, but not to other bosses in Sonic Mania... & new Badniks, too. They don't just appear out of nowhere. I know there's a process to making minibosses & major bosses, conceptualization, sketching, inking, painting, etc., like how it was with the bosses to Sonic 2 8-Bit, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Triple Trouble, Sonic Blast, & Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I also know past artwork of said past games' bosses were shown, but there are others that haven't been made public yet.

Nevertheless, showcasing artwork from games, besides those shown before launch, should be made public when they're launched. Hope we get to see amazing artwork real soon.

EDIT: Just one more question... Shouldn't Sonic Mania chronologically take place after the events of Sonic R? I read info from Ian Flynn, who read the notes that Sega of Japan handed to him, that he confirms the events of Sonic R is, indeed, canon to the main Sonic franchise, & that also includes Classic Sonic's canon.

There's already a game that chronologically took place after Sonic & Knuckles' events... Knuckles' Chaotix. That's what I call a tiny chronological error, to my perspective.