...manifested into two grumpy old guys that try to kill eachother constantly. Needless to say, I'm a bit unimpressed with the Seerus and Herex battles, due to how little they actually manage to succeed in killing you. The other grumpy old guy in the Firestorm Citadel is actually good at that, so what's with the Elite Overlords of Cradle being pushovers?¿
Here's my proposal:
•make em better
•give em rank missions so i can go and beat the everloving FU
By this I mean give the two Crimson gremlins that we know of (plus the seven others) a terrifying new moveset. We obviously don't get to fight them at full power whenever we encounter them, because Seerus didn't even see us coming and Herex was too focused on his world domination plot to do anything more than throw a few robots our way. That's not elite fighting skill, that's "get outta here i'm busy" with extra guns. As such, here are the changes I propose for movesets:
Seerus, Warmaster of the Crimson Order
Seerus needs a rank mission that takes place after the events of Operation: Crimson Hammer.
His attire reflects his previous defeat: A new mask adorns his visage, of the same make as the first except plated in silver instead of white and bearing a luminescent red for its sigil. The bombshell on his back is replaced with a jetpack made from Rocket Hammer parts, and his bandolier is retextured to hold three Retribution bombs.
Seerus gains new attacks that mimic his abilities in O:CH, along with new ones:
•Seerus uses the normal three-hit Rocket Hammer combo, with the dash attack ranging a bit farther than usual.
•Seerus' rocket jetpack leaves a damaging flame trail whenever used.
•Seerus charges a Dark Retribution bomb for three seconds and places it in the center of the arena. The blast radius is 2x its original size, and the bullet orbitals share this resizing. During this attack, he takes reduced damage to offset his lack of attacking.
•Seerus activates his jetpack and launches himself into a hammer dash that ranges at-maximum all the way across the arena, directed at a player. He ends the attack with a hammer smash where the targeted player was; the hammer smash launches normal-sized Combuster charges in a cross shape that inflict minor Fire.
•Seerus charges a two-hit hammer smash that moves him forward a fair amount each time. The attack targets players, and Seerus will launch himself at a random target each time, both smashes emitting the cross-shaped Combuster charges plus a scaled-down Tortodrone shockwave colored orange.
•Seerus flips his hammer around and uses the rocket end as a flamethrower. The force of this pushes him back a small amount.
•Seerus launches a hexagonal arrangement of six normally-sized retribution bombs from the center of the arena.
•Seerus summons four Darkfang Thwackers.
Additionally, Seerus will retreat to his throne between phases, letting his minions in on the action.
Seerus' throne is at the far end of the arena, out of reach. There is an open area behind it where two Roarmulus Twins (reskinned with Crimson Order colors) are situated, one on each side, both facing forward and thus essentially invulnerable. The Twins are prevented from moving into the center third of the arena by columns, and activate when Seerus retreats to his throne. Their attacks are altered; they use laser attacks and air-to-surface missiles, but only fire singular lasers. Their normal-attack rate of fire is also slowed.
There are four battlepods on platforms to the sides of the arena that act as Grand Arsenal pods. They cannot be destroyed, and are constantly active.
When Seerus retreats, the Twins power on, and a wave of Thwackers, Gun Puppies, and Mecha Knights spawns.
There are five total phases; 1 and 3 are Seerus fights, 2 and 4 are minion fights, and 5 activates everything at once until Seerus is defeated.
Herex, the Whispering Venom
I have less ideas for Herex's arena, but I would like for him to be more dangerous, with new attacks:
•Herex throws two green-tipped sawblades in a manner similar to a Mixmaster shot; the shot has a homing feature and lasts for the same amount of time as a Ghostmane projectile. The shots return back to Herex instead of vanishing. This occurs twice, with a dash in between each shot.
•Herex throws Toxoil sludge around himself and sets it alight before disappearing
•Herex throws green Maskeraith needles at a player that deal poison and lower defense considerably while attached.
•Herex's passive bullet orbitals deal Piercing and Poison damage.
•Herex launches an Isotrode laser from his eye-lense
•Herex creates a poison mist cloud before disappearing
•Herex summons two Incinerators
•Herex places a hand-sawblade in the ground and charges at a player, leaving behind a green Flourish trail that detonates like a Retrode laser. Herex ends the attack by using a normal melee attack and then disappearing
GH respond to my emails pls