Redo battle pods so that we can hammer away and don't have to wait forever
lun, 09/03/2018 - 03:53

Give them more health so that it takes way more hits to actually down one, but make them always vulnerable, no shield ever.
The player does not like to wait.
No, they're fine as they are, just wish Dark Retribution would hit the battlepods at the boss fight of OCH with its rotating orbs rather than with only the initial blast.
Their shielding is a fun mechanic that provokes strategic play where you have to survive between the periods of the battlepod's shield being down then trying to get as much damage on it as the shield is lowered, which requires you to actually think rather than just storming in and killing everything in seconds.
They should give more rewards when destroyed though. They're tough enemies so for only something that'd drop from a retrode would drop from a battlepod makes me really disappointed.