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This game isded change my mind

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@Grey_Havens this game is ded
Change my mind


For real tho this game isded

Legit, I want to play again but this game is dead, reading through the announcements trying to find out whats new all i see is events and lootboxes. GH you guys and gals are literally milking this game dry and its quite sad. But who knows? Y'all could be working on some new stuff and its just taking you this long to do it, who knows?? But who am I, just a gamer who wants to come back to SK, who used to enjoy playing with his clan mates, friends, and brothers. Who am I to tell you what to do with your game.

(this will probably get removed)

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
that last thing you said

Yes, we would all like lots of new content.

(this will probably get removed)

No. We've had probably hundreds of threads like this over the years, and neither Grey Havens nor Sega nor Three Rings has systematically removed them.

There's no bad guy here. There are just limited resources. It's the adult world.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Bild des Benutzers Zero-Chill

pls stahp, threads like these aren't healthy for the devs

Bild des Benutzers Paintool
"these threads aren't healthy

"these threads aren't healthy for the devs"

You elite defenders need to get this through your thick headed Ancient Plate helm:
Maybe we wouldn't have threads like these if they actually bothered addressing issues that exist instead of pumping out "new weapons and reskinned" items in pachinko gamble boxes.

You don't even know the names or people working behind the scenes, and you wouldn't donate money to charity like the "wounded knights project" if you knew how exactly they are spending all the money they get from this """GAME"""***

Shadowace, take it from me. Leave this game and never return!
And hide your shekels from Spiral HQ, or else they might sell you BBQ grill or a Teddy Bear.

(Or you might turn into a grump like me, ----> HOLLOW KNIGHT IS A WAY BETTER GAME <---- )

Bild des Benutzers Traevelliath

Jesus christ, that amount of salt isn't healthy for you Paintool.

The game has been "dying" for like half a decade at this point. To say that it is dead though? I've played dead games, and SK still has life in it. Otherwise you wouldn't be getting responses in this thread.

Bild des Benutzers Tapproot

Oof, who invited the doomsayers back?

Bild des Benutzers Zero-Chill


ima vanguard with op uvs :v

Also honestly, if the exchange rate in my country wasn't so crappy I would've actually spent money on this game. I really like this game and I wish I could support it but I can't sadly. They did a good job at keeping it alive so far.

Also there's always so much to do. Maybe you don't notice but the whole idea of the game is crafting, people who think the game ends when they finish the missions but actually the main point of the game is to try every piece of gear and play differently each time, once you've tried every piece of gear then you can say that you've finished the game or w/e. They keep releasing reskins not to just milk the game (although that's kinda true too) but also to encourage the use of their weapons and to look cool ofc. You should really think of it that way, why have they released teddy bear shield, the useless grill bomb and biohazard reskins? To encourage people to use these underused pieces of gear, since most players just go for the meta, usually there are A LOT of players who reached end-game with 50k+ prestige and have only used like 4-6 weapon types which is sad.

Think of it this way, why don't we encourage the devs to make new weapons instead of asking for new missions. Honestly, I'd be more happy with a 5* winmillion than with a whole new set of missions. It's also much easier to do.

Bild des Benutzers Midnight-Dj
@Tapproot our name is legion for we are many...

It is the 3rd Millennium. For more than a seven years Spiral Knights has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Java. It is the foremost of MMO by the will of its fanboys, and master of many whales by the might of their inexhaustible wallets. It is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with business strategies from the early days of western MMO RPG. It is the Carrion Lord of the MMO scene for whom thousands of hours of human existence are sacrificed every day, so that it may never truly die.

Yet even in its deathless state, SK continues its eternal vigilance. Mighty prize boxes cross the micro-transaction-infested miasma of the internet, the only route between distant playerbases, their way lit by paypal, the legal manifestation of the SK's will. Vast armies of cheerleaders give battle in SK's name on uncounted forum threads. Greatest amongst its soldiers are the Guardians of the forum, the admins, bio-engineered Greek gods. Their comrades in arms are legion: the fan artists and countless unseen suggestions, the ever vigilant newbies, and the whales, to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from better MMOs, their self assurance, Based doomsayers - and worse.

To support Spiral Knights in such times is to spend untold thousands. It is to support the cruelest and most greedy company imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the promise of mission DLCs and weapon balance, for so much has been canceled, never to be developed again. Forget the promise of hearing out the fanbase and a new slate, for in the GH there is only profit-seeking, radio silence and stagnation. There is no fun amongst the clockwork, only an eternity of grinding and spending, and the laughter of former players who left SK to play better games.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire

the cruelest and most greedy company imaginable

wait sk is made by ea?

Bild des Benutzers Midnight-Dj


That is a strange way to spell ACTIVISION...

BTW, those three paragraphs are just an abridged version of Warhammer 40K rule book intro.

Bild des Benutzers Cinoa

we're all busy in missions/arcade

just cause u dont see people doesn't mean we aren't there

if u wanna know so badly apply for a job at GH and help them

Not dead

I love this game. I generally play through the story, stick around and collect weapons, maybe join a guild. if i get bored, I stop playing. but after a few months, I always come back. I'm sure there are many other players like myself.

Sure, there hasn't been any new content to the game for a while, but that's okay. The game is still here, which is more important to me.

The quality of prize boxes has increased, especially with the viking and pirate boxes a while back. I buy them occasionally, for I like to collect, and i'm more than happy to support Grey Havens keeping the game online.

Overall, I will probably never truly quit playing spiral knights, as I've played for years and always returned, because at it's core (heh) It is a fun, engaging game with a lot of content and longevity available. This game will only die when it is shut down, which I believe is not in Grey Haven's Intentions.

Thank you.

Bild des Benutzers Lordcalvinheins

I am back from the dead to say:
@Midnight-Dj, I understood that reference.


So why do you guys keep making these posts about the game being dead? If you can't enjoy the game anymore because you think it's dead, then move on. Making posts like these arent helping the community in anyway, you're just harming potential new players for this game. What reason do you have to come on the forums and post a thread we've heard 100s of times? Honestly it's just a waste a time, get on with your life.

And if you truly think the game is dead. Most of my friends and guldies are always in missions/arcade, you won't see them in haven very much. I've also seen a lot more people than usual just standing around in haven at certain times of the day. A lot of older players have jobs now, they won't be logged in all of the time. School just started for a bunch of other players too.

Bild des Benutzers Midnight-Dj
@Goldentaile Not all negativity is bad

Making posts like these arent helping the community in anyway, you're just harming potential new players for this game.

I for once disagree, I am here to keep the new people informed of GH's bad practices (ie, prize box and radio silence) and make sure they know they are spending money (and more importantly their time) on a game that obviously does not care about their investment (if GH's silence is anything to go by).

By giving new players an idea of the game's 'health', giving them the load down of SK's decline and past history, I want to help new players to get nuanced with the back ground of the game that they are playing. Make them judge for themselves whether or not the game is worth playing. And why they shouldn't get their hopes up about the game return to glory.

As a famous space marine librarian once said, 'hope is the first step on the road to disappointment'.

And if you truly think the game is dead. Most of my friends and guldies are always in missions/arcade, you won't see them in haven very much.

Ummm, that is not really a proof for this game not declining though.

If anyone still thinks SK will return to glory must not forget that SEGA dropped SK, so if a bunch of suits at SEGA decided SK is not making enough profit to be kept around, what does it say about the game?

I've also seen a lot more people than usual just standing around in haven at certain times of the day.

It is raining a lot recently where I live, I guess that means winter is here...

Bild des Benutzers Abelisk

SK used to be fun to play, until new content became an annual slogfest (Apocrea etc.) and lootboxes became the norm. Indeed, MMOs based on companies with minimal resources will have a very tough time surviving.

Bild des Benutzers Gome-Xyz
Dead huh

Everyone's saying that "this game is dying". Funny isn't it. It's been "dying" for 5+ years now to my knowledge.
Funny that, there's other games in a similar situation. TF2 immediately comes to mind, that game's still dying and it has been since 2013.
Oh, what's this? Fortnite!? The game that has 3m players monthly last time I heard? That game's dying too?! Wow, Battle Royale's not even a year old yet.

Sure, you may not enjoy the game as much as you used to, but to say that the game's dying is a completely different statement.
Yes, the game isn't at it's prime, but when was the last time you heard a game ever succeed itself from its earlier years? You haven't?

Either way, this game has done well, it's lasted 7 years already, excluding open betas and whatnot, and I can see it lasting to 2021, as that'd be the 10th anniversary of the game.

Rather than being pessimistic, let's be optimistic, may be hard for some but being negative about every little thing wrong with the game does nobody any good.

Bild des Benutzers Sweet-Hope

To be honest, i though the game was dead for sure when they were still with sega and they were just doing that lazy recolor promo of the gemstones, more precisely i though SK would meet the guillotine as soon as the last gemstone month was released i think was Pearl? i dont remember but after that promo i was just expecting the next month annoucement be SK closing. i was really sad game prolly would close because that was the thing i expected thanks to the gems promo, but then, SK was bought from ex employees of OOO, now Grey Heavens.

after that i see them trying to do their own designs as Ian Mcville isnt anymore on the art team of SK so that is a huge lose for the GH team. but from doing recolors, to mixmatching parts from existing gear to now trying their own design, for me thats a good thing because they are trying.

of course there things should change, in both sides, us as community and the devs.

us as community i think a good start would be just stop with the "SK is DED not big souprice" we get it game screams for update new stuff to do and what not, but if we want new players to hang around we should start from there, changing reviews to positive, sure we could just say bad things about the game like im force to wait to arcade to generate the levels i like (arenas for example at depth 27-28) or the long wait for elevator change without way to change it manually and whatever thing you consider bad. but review "bad because game is promo only" isnt a good reason. want more players to play with? we need to start from there.

devs, i think i understand your desire to not release any new about what plans you are working with the game until they are done because you dont want to dissapoint the community and start a wildfire you cant control since community now is a big bunch of "game is ded" and something like a "dissapointment" will make it worst, but it also bad not trying to hold your community with something to expect for the possible next update, even with the little label "remember that this may be or not the final release". the community only need to know what to look forward.

TL:DR: saying "game is ded" dont help the game at all, scare players aways, and prolly dont make devs feel in a hurry to release update because game dont have enough players. we can keep saying game is ded and never let it grown, or we can change our tune to help devs but also devs need to change a few things.

Bild des Benutzers Autofire
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR! (From me)

Now that I'm older and I don't have my rose tinted glasses when it comes to SK (I hope?)...

Midnight-Dj, I love the way you handle stuff like this. I can't help laughing, but it's true for the most part.

I'm just amazed that, after so much time of absolutely nothing from the non-existant devteam, people are still around to defend this game.

And I know that a bulk of the people on the forums aren't actually playing. But last time I checked there are still people in Haven.