The "Buy it now" (BO) button is strategically placed right under the arrows, the bid button is even smaller for some stupid reason, this can only lead me to question the intention of such a setup.
I'm pretty sure more than one person have accidentally clicked there and bought an almost worthless item for ridiculous prices. This has happened twice. The first time I bought some trash accessory for 100kcr, fine, not that big of a loss. This time it's some trash for 200k. One would think I'd be more careful, but it's different. I was on the my auctions window and intended to bid on the item, switched windows and misclicked, the item was also on very short and I did this in a hurry.
I suggest a confirm button for BO, which can be turned off, just like the prompt before opening a prize box.
It only took GH several years to fix the prestige arms appropriation weapon detection, where it intentionally chooses the fully heated one for a reason I cannot figure out...
I don't think this is an unreasonable suggestion.