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Spiral Knights Is Dying

8 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

Let's just face it, Spiral Knights is losing players and is dying out. You can see the difference between the older gameplay and the nowadays. The good days in SK is already over. Thousands of hours and money were spent for nothing now. This maybe the last word from me in this game and its forum. I would suggest either Spiral Knights close the game and make a remake, advertise it as much as possible. Or make a huge update and advertise it.

That's all from me,

Thanks for reading!

Bild des Benutzers Kiana-Kaluun
Goodbye man!

If the day ever comes where the servers are shutting down, I would love it if they release the source code of the game. and give it to the community. I would love to see the community remake Spiral Knights on what it could have been.

Bild des Benutzers Top-Platinum
They could revive it if they

They could revive it if they really cared about the game itself but also lockdown, with little VITAL tweaks. Auto target can still be used, pulsars can be spammed, and so is for the statuses. I did a thread for fighting auto target, but devs didn't do much and the community is so addicted to aim assistance in such easy >>> PC <<< game that they fought for keeping it xd now I can see why other players lost hope. Either they patch it now, or ez gg bye. The solutions always been there, for both pve and pvp, but time is running out. Tic Toc Tic Toc Tic Toc.

Bild des Benutzers Chainguy
Instead of constantly whining

Instead of constantly whining of "tus gmz ze is ded!" and all that nonsense, why not enjoy the game while it still lasts. A simple thing you can do instead of wasting every breath of your life and typing that trash, whining all the time won't change anything for the state of the playerbase. Consider it a gift Spiral Knights is still alive after 7 years since launch, with the love and passion by the small but veteran community still present. They don't play cause they have to, they just simply love the game that much. (Though of course, there's cases people are here just for trades and stuff) Spiral Knights in itself still remains one of the most unique MMos out there imo.

I admit, i left for 4 years in 2014 cause i got sick of the prizeboxes, lack of updates and was generally a moron back then. Come April 2018 i got the inch to come back, and now i already put over 1100 more hours returning with around 2900, breaking the 4000 mark. I'm still a sketchy brat at times, but i myself still love this game to death deep down.

Now watch someone from a recent fallout meltdown i suffered come in and post nothing but about pooping on me, cause oh sure everyone wants to start drama here of all places.

Bild des Benutzers Traevelliath

Statistically speaking, the game has been "dying" since 2012-ish. You can give up now, but at the rate this death is going, you're going to miss out on a lot of game.

Also, if you enjoyed your time playing the game, then you didn't "spend it all for nothing." That's like spending $10 on a movie ticket, then saying you wasted money because you left the theater with nothing.

Bild des Benutzers Lava-Worrior

Also, saying that the game is dying doesn't really solve anything. Sure the game might not receive updates frequently, but that doesn't mean there is nothing to do. As a community, we should attempt to create new challenges, contests, etc. Speedrunning and art contests are just two quick ones I thought of.

Bild des Benutzers Fangel

An MMO lives and dies by its playerbase. As of right now, the playerbase itself isn't exactly tiny, but it is worth noting that Spiral Knights, despite the amount of accounts made, was never a huge game. Expecting it to be the next World of Warcraft, Maplestory, TF2, Minecraft, or Fortnite is unrealistic, especially with the fact it's a dated game.

Closing the game does not help the game or the playerbase what-so-ever. Creating a new game can happen while still running the old servers - and in fact, would allow us to continue playing the game we love and fund a new game's development.

Advertising the game, in a world of targeted advertising, likely isn't as beneficial as word of mouth is. In fact, I think the best advertising ploy Spiral Knights pulled off was the TF2 cross promotion, as that definitely brought in a large number of players, but it's worth noting that despite how large TF2 is, only a small amount of those players remained. Because of this, I really think that cross-promotions with other companies would bring more players into Spiral Knights, especially since it's charm being available in other games would be awesome as well. I'd be willing to bet that most of the players who have stuck around showed up due to someone else introducing them to the game, hence why word of mouth is the preferred advertising method. Three Rings and Grey Havens have access to that kind of data after all.

PvP has had several amazing changes made to it. The rotating events within PvP has spiced it up so much, I absolutely love popping in and seeing it mentioning hardcore mode, hazardous mode, and whatever the other name they added in is.

The game itself is limited, but it's important to note that the community keeps it around for longer. Livestreams, community events, art contests, and loads of other things (the SK discord connecting everyone is a big one) keeping the community in touch and interacting/creating is what lets us keep the game alive, both realistically, and in spirit.

Bild des Benutzers Niezumiko
Release SK on the Switch

I have already accepted that this game may never become as lively and great as it once was. more advertising would be a big help but it might not attract enough players alone. if they released SK on the Nintendo Switch console I think it could have a real chance. this is the kind of mmo that is fun to just randomly log into you knight and party with random friends. making SK portable could make it lots of fun. maybe not the best idea, they probably don't have the money to do something like that anyway, and it might not save SK but it is the only major way I see it becoming very popular again without a massive content update.


Well. yeup game is dying since 2012-ish, players where sad about it in 2015-2016, and in 2017-2018 it became a fact.
Game is dying because it was never so big, so when players saw that there're only 400-ish player online at a time, and the peak never gone more than 500 players at a time, they say the game is dying.

Lets state some fact, to keep any game alive, GM's should think not to keep the current player base, but to improve it. How so? Just make what pleases them. So SK is dying because of only 2 major thing actually.
1- GM's decided to cut all ties, they dont say what is going on or what they're intending to do in the future. Last time we had a connection with Cronus, was the thread he made and now he no longer replies to it.
2- Lack of updates, Events and such content (Promos arent content tho).

So when someone is talking about PROMOS are content and WE ALL LOVE promos. its just wrong, mostly everybody was frustrated about the Shadow Scythe and how it should've been an Acheron reskin at least not another Levi reskin. this is just one of many bad reskins.

And btw SK isnt dated game. Fortnite first released in 2011 was only Save the World. The battle royal came a year ago or so. (See not hard all it need a 1 good update to fix things) how ever Puzzle Pirates and as i heard that GH has hopes for it. was made in 2003, And how many players, 4 or 5? (Keeping the servers running for it is just a waste)

See its just simple i guess, SK isnt having the mount of focus it deserves. As GH as i heard takes SK as a part time job, And they work on Puzzle Pirates more than they work on SK. =P

Well im not hating on GH or SK, im just sad for both of them, Since GH first came as working for the community not to milk the players (Sadly this is what is really going on :s)
lemme tell you all some facts c:
SK is a free game, one of its kind and enjoyable. it deserves more than 400 players or 250 now i'd say. it deserves way more than that.

Thats all i guess c: