The Spiral Knights Winter Battle Royale! In-game name: mr-merc-man
Snowballs of any type. I'm sure everyone participating in the event will be willing to share balls if you do not have enough. I'll also be giving out some before the event starts. However, that does not mean you should not be prepared. Please bring balls if you can.
Buckets of Flawed Snowballs are in fact, allowed.
Players knock each other out using Snowballs, if you're hit, you're out.
If you're hit, equip your starter equipment and go to garden. This way people will know if you've been hit. Don't try to cheat, Referees and I will be constantly monitoring the game. Referees will equip a different set up of armor if they are hit.
Last one standing wins.
Your are NOT allowed to leave the designated fighting area
Phase 0:
Rules Phase
An announcement will be shouted out to all havens telling to tune into the stream and head to whatever haven number the Battle Royale is taking place in, if you're participating.
After every player arrives, the rules will be given out over zone chat for anyone who has not known about the event.
Then after any questions, we move on to start the event.
Phase 1:
The Positioning Phase
Lasts 60 Seconds
Players have 60 seconds to take up their starting positions around Town Square.
After the timer is up, Phase 2 begins.
Phase 2:
The Battle Phase
The games officially start!
Lasts for 5 minutes, if no winner is decided by then, we move on to Sudden Death.
Players are now allowed to throw snowballs at each other to knock each other out! If you are hit, equip your starter armor set and go to garden.
Sudden Death
Players will be forced into a small area and bear snowballs.
When I say start, everyone fights.
Players cannot leave the small area I've given them to fight in.
Phase 3:
Prize Phase
Prizes are given to whoever wins each round of the Battle Royale.
Cheating? and Referees?
I'll be walking around haven to make sure that no one is cheating, if anyone wants to help me, send me a mail in-game about being a referee, I'll give you the information.
If you are caught cheating... you'll be unable to play in any future rounds, and may suffer when it comes to any future events that I host.
Round One - 50kcr
Round Two - 50kcr
Round Three - 50kcr
If no prizes have been decided by the alleged event date, then they'll be replaced with crown prizes of 50kcr each. You are welcome to donate prizes if you so wish. The event will be streamed live at I have created a twitch account just for this. The stream will have the official timers and winners of each round. It'll also show footage of the game most importantly.
If any unexpected occurences happen, the date is subject to change.
Current Date - December 30th at 5pm EST