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Nobody knows me, but I just wanted to say good bye. y(._. )y

7 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Manlet

Hey dudes, it's your friend, Manny. As the title suggests, I'm gonna finally throw in the towel and pack my bags in SK. I just wanted to say thanks to all the people who kept me company for all these years, whether we were friend or foe. Everybody played their parts and it was a fun journey. I have a lot of great memories in SK that I'll hopefully remember years from now and made so many awesome friends who will hopefully remember me many years from now. My goal getting into Spiral Knights was to be the best knight ever, but after a while, I realized I just wanted to be a kind knight. I'm hoping I accomplished my goal and that I lifted the spirits and put on smiles for the people who got to know me a little bit. Thanks to the Spiral Knights dev team for making this game and giving me the chance to participate in a game that I loved for all these years. Thanks for everything, guys. :o

From your favorite Almirian, Manlet

Portrait de Skepticraven


Portrait de Furry-Jelly
:((((((((((((((( nothing to


nothing to say but good bye, and good luck

Portrait de Qever
Thank you for being part of this community

I didnt have the chance to meet you,I dont play much either.I believe you will return and play again from time to time cause the power of Nostalgia is strong.Players who enjoyed the game so much and loved it,they were one of the most important parts of this game success in my oppinion.I played multiple online games but i have never felt like this and the reason is the friendly community it had.Good bye,good luck and we might have a chance of playing together SK if you return again.

Portrait de Saltedpotatoes

NOoooooooooo Manlet!

Well... like Vivid-Dreams, good bye, and good luck - thank you for brightening the mood of sk for years.

Portrait de Zero-Chill

Goodbye my friend. You will be missed and I'll remember you as my favorite SK player. Much love and I wish you a happy life <3

Portrait de Goofio

Goodbye and good luck!

P.S. Haven't you made a quitting post before? :o

Portrait de Legobuild
MANLET! I'll miss you bud,

MANLET! I'll miss you bud, was great getting to know you and seeing you around the haven all the time. The friend who frequently unfriended then friended again, rinse and repeat <3