Hey guys. This was an Idea I had around march 2017.
My discord will be at the bottom, contact me there.
I have a burning passion for this game.
I've been playing it since 2013, and have never quit for more than a month.
So I decided I'd show that by making a community montage.
I will try my best to edit and make cinematics.
Submit them as unlisted youtube videos
No AT.
Not all clips will make it in.
Deadline is February 21st 2019.
Clips must be atleast 720p and 30 fps.
Sound does not need to be present.
No freeze, sleep or stun will be allowed to help you in a clip, unless it was caused by spikes.
Your clips and highlights must be in the following criteria:
Striker: All kills must consist of either all sword hits or 2+ sword hits, bomb only clips are the only exceptions but still have to follow the status effect rules.
There are 2 types of clips:
1) Kill streaks of 5 or more without going back to spawn for health or getting a whole kill with guns.
2) 2 kills in 5 or less seconds, 3 kills in 7 or less seconds, or anything better, just add 2 seconds per kill above 3.
Recon: All kills must consist of at least one sword swing that hits, bomb only clips are the only exceptions but still have to follow the status effect rules.
3 types of clips:
1) Streaks of 6 or more without going to get health from spawn, also without a kill wholly from guns
2) 2 kills in 6.5 or less seconds, 3 kills in 8 or less seconds, or anything better, just add 3 seconds per kill above 3.
3) Outsmarting 3+ players simultaneously for more than 6 seconds. (I won't use many of these)
Guardian: All kills must consist of at least one sword swing that hits, bomb only clips are the only exceptions but still have to follow the status effect rules.
3 types of clips:
1) Streaks of 4 or more without going back to spawn for health or getting a whole kill with guns.
2) 3 kills in 10 or less seconds, or anything larger, just add 3 seconds for each added kill above 3.
3) A push from spawn to enemy spawn where you and/or people that went into your shield with you collecting 7+ kills on the way. (very sick btw)
Here's my discord:
Here's the link to the montage server where you send the clips:
Good luck.