I love my Almirian Crusader set that I totally own. It's a really good alternative to my Dread Skelly set when I'm fighting shadow enemies and I'm not expecting any freeze, poison or fire. People say I could use Deadshot and have more curse resistance and do more damage to undead and shoot guns faster but actually I only fight fiends and I don't use guns and taking half a pip less of normal damage is really important to my playstyle.
Anyway, I noticed not a lot of other people use it, so I thought maybe it could get a sidegrade so I can see more people run around wearing fluffy armour.
For reference, Almirian Crusader is roughly:
150 normal defense
125 shadow defense
-2 fire resist
+2 curse
Comparing mad bomber and chaos tells me there's a low-hanging fruit. A -2 curse penalty is worth a lot of offensive bonuses that I think people might like?
150 normal defense
125 shadow defense
-2 fire resist
+2 sword damage
+2 sword CTR
+2 gun damage
+2 gun CTR
I dunno if people care though, after all nothing really changed. It's just a perfectly balanced sidegrade. If we compare almirian crusader to deadshot, we can see that 10 normal defense and -2 fire penalty is equal to some other bonuses. Let's apply that difference:
140 normal defense
125 shadow defense
+2 curse resist
+2 sword damage
+2 sword CTR
+2 gun damage
+1 gun ASI
+2 gun CTR
+2 vs undead
It's nice, so far, but I'd like defense. We see by comparing volanic salamander to arcane salamander to you can trade a +2 family bonus for two +1 family bonuses and +15 special defense.
140 normal defense
140 shadow defense
+2 curse resist
+2 sword damage
+2 sword CTR
+2 gun damage
+1 gun ASI
+2 gun CTR
+1 vs undead
+1 vs fiend
Okay so now we have a an armour set with a little bit of curse resistance, the most defense any armour set is ever going to give you against fiends and undead, max damage and CTR to those families with guns and swords, and a little bit of ASI for your gun.
Comparing Volcanic Plate Mail to Ironmight Plate Mail, we also see that we can just give a set +4 fire resistance for absolutely no reason, and comparing Arcane Salamander to Vog Cub, we see that we can trade two +1 family bonuses for +2 ASI to swords if we tweak defenses slightly. Further, comparing Skolver to Snarbolax we know we can trade one +4 resistance for two +3 resistances.
140 normal defense
125 shadow defense
+3 fire resist
+3 shock resist
+2 curse resist
+2 sword damage
+2 sword ASI
+2 sword CTR
+2 gun damage
+1 gun ASI
+2 gun CTR
Just to compare, here's what the old set looked like:
150 normal defense
125 shadow defense
-2 fire resist
+2 curse
Superficially it looks like we traded 10 normal defense for a lot of stuff, but I was just doing some minor tweaks. Hope you guys like it!