~~WTS Mostly Slime Stuff~~ | WTB Slime Lockboxes

IGN : Sirzlime
Discord : sirzlime#7373
All items have a "set" mental value so if you offer any lowballs I will decline them. I am willing to negotiate to a fair price most of the time so you are more than welcome to send offers and questions via discord or in-game mail!
k = thousand, m = million; cr = crowns
I accept payments in crowns, energy, and TF2 Keys (1400e per key), or overpay/fair item trades
[Citrine] Node Slime Mask
[Cool] Field Cap
[Dusky] Stately Cap, Node Slime Mask
[Fancy] Plumed Cap, Wolver Mask
[Garnet] Node Slime Mask
[Heavy] Node Slime Mask, Plumed Cap, Wolver Mask
[Military] Field Cap, Plumed Cap, Stately Cap
[Prismatic] Plumed Cap
[Regal] Node Slime Mask, Plumed Cap
[Tech Orange] Hood, Sallet
[Toasty] Aero Helm, Node Slime Mask, Plumed Cap
[Aquamarine] Stranger Robe
[Divine] Node Slime Guards
[Dusky] Node Slime Guards
[Garnet] Node Slime Guards
[Heavy] Node Slime Guards
[Regal] Node Slime Guards
[T-Orange] Pullover
[Volcanic] Node Slime Guards
[Ancient] Lapel Clover
[Citrine] Node Container
[Cool] Com Unit, Headlamp, Node Receiver, Scholarly Tam, Top Prop
[Divine] Mustache
[Dusky] Ankle Fins, Helm-Mounted Display, Razorback Pack
[Fancy] Headlamp, Node Container, Com Dish
[Garnet] Node Container
[Heavy] Helm-Mounted Display, Node Container, Pig Tail, Treat Pouch, Truffle Snuffler
[Hunter] Pipe
[Late Harvest] Canteen, Daisy Chain, Daisy Crown, Frasera Crown, Intel Tube, Leaf Chain
[Military] Long Feather, Node Container, Grand Topper, Monocle, Scarf, Pigtails
[Regal] Node Container, Node Receiver, Canteen, Scholarly Tam, Grand Topper, Hoghawk, Monocle, Truffle Snuffler
[Pig-ment] Snout Patrol Pendant
[Tech Blue] Camera, Daisy Crown, Radio
[Tech Orange] Burying Spade, Camera, Munitions Pack
[Tech Pink] Daisy Chain, Test Kit, Radio, Targeting Module
[Toasty] Handy Propellers, Helm Wings, Helm-Mounted Display
[Volcanic] Valkyrie Wings, Cat Tail, Swing Wings (C/O 6ke), Ankle Spoilers, Wind-up Key
Blooming Eyes
[Tech Blue] Vertical Vents, Wings (Gen 1)
[Lockbox] Slime (008, 009, A16, A10, A1B, B1B, A17, A19, other)
[Key] Silver (55kcr) | Slime (50kcr)
[Slime Vendoring] Will buy any slime node costumes, accessories, or gear for "quick-sell" prices, this is more to get rid of items in bulk rather than profiting so keep that in mind!
Open to offers & questions!

Cool Flower
Dusky Flower
Fancy Node Receiver
Toasty Wall
Toasty Crusher

- Frosty Plate Helm [3kcr]
- Frosty Sallet [3kcr]
- Frosty Brigandine [3kcr]
Also bump

- Hallow Crest
- Cool Helm Guards
- Dusky Bolted Vee
- Frosty Headlamp
- Fancy Node Container
- Frosty Intel Tube

- Toasty Bolted Vee
- Toasty Canteen
- Toasty Helm-Mounted Display
- Frosty Binoculars
- Tech Orange Sensor Unit
- Cool Com Dish
- Cool Wide Vee
- Military Bolted Vee
- Fancy Bolted Vee
- Fancy Node Slime Mask
- Regal Node Slime Mask
- Frosty Crest
- Frosty Munitions Pack
- Hallow Headlamp
- Hallow Sensor Unit
- Cool Bolted Vee
- Hallow Targeting Module
- Heavy Warding Candle
- Peridot Writhing Tendrils

Added lots more to the shop stock and updated the layout!
bump time