My name is Utrex, Rhanthyxemyniad, among other renames. I've played this game since 2011 and quit in 2015. Seeing this forum has got me pretty nostalgic and I admit I loved the game in its prime.
However one of the things that ruined Lockdown, was UVs. New players were deterred by this paywall. It's obvious how UVs helped with combat. Can you imagine, paying money to gain more skill? It's ridiculous.
And don't bring up the grind argument. Some people like me disliked PvE and will never grind. UVs should just not exist.
Auto target ruined it. The whole latency issues ruined it. Broken items and stats ruined it. Lack of interests from the developers is the issue here. If UV's are pay to win? yes and no, since you can still get them without paying. Yes in this context UV's can be considered bad, hoewever let's remember spiral knights is a f2p mmorpg where devs doesn't care about the pvp they released, and currently disabling UV's on pvp would make people spend way less money into the game, thing they ofc don't want to. UV's does help them earn a bit, and keep some people interested in the game. If UV's were disabled, we'd need other ways to gain those bonuses. But it's like asking so much already, also it's not convenient for them, at all.
I get your frustration but really, right now the UV's are the last of the problems in lockdown. Spiral knights always been about grinding or spending irl money, and focusing mainly on PvE, so gotta deal with it. Either you play lockdown/spiral knights or do something else xd I also dream about lockdown being a good PvP experience, instead it's straight up garbage in so many ways.
Yes UV's in this context are bad and can be considered pay to win but won't ever be changed, meanwhile there's other bigger issues that CAN be changed instead, it's just the devs that ignore both the community and the game as a whole. Right now we fully entered the phase of milking spiral knights until it dies.