Close your eyes young squire. Picture yourself in the future as a heroic swordsman. You delve into the Clockworks for every second of your life, slaying beasts you may encounter that are lurking in the trees, or undead that crawl out from under the ground. You're wealthy, with your pockets overflowing with crowns and energy. You've been Vanguard for a few weeks though. The problem lies in how you identify yourself from other knights that have the same title of Vanguard as you? Even though you've slain countless Gremlin, Mutilated hundreds of Slime Cores and pierced thousands of trojan back-sides, you don't have anything to distinguish yourself from the knights who have done the same or more! You want to be a hero with a cool nick-name but there is no such things apart from rank! You want fledgling Knights or Strangers to call you by your title that you earned, < Projectile Lunatic >. Or perhaps a fancier title like, < Calvary Conduit >
The problem is the Spiral Order doesn't issue out titles like this yet. It's a problem for your future hero-isms! Because as you know, you're not the only In the clockworks, you need something else to make you shine! You need to boast your chosen title for others to recognize you not for your looks, speech, but your title! Some may not want a title for that reason though... But for whatever reason you have chosen, you should have earned a title that clarifies you did something and wearing it like a badge, it fills you with pride.
Basic idea : Change your title from < Vangaurd > to Something else you can earn.
Although you can never change it to a lower grade rank such as < Knight-elite>, or < squire >, you can't ever go back.
Cons : The problem with this idea is that you won't know someone's a Vanguard or any mission-ranked knight by looking at titles.
Solution : Introduce SUB-TEXT underneath the < Knight-Rank > Icon in-between the < >
Title examples :
Defeat 100 Slimes : < Ooze Killer >
Defeat 500 Wolvers : < Bark-Slicer>
Defeat 1000 Gremlins : < Gremlin-Slayer >
Defeat Snarbolax : < Woods Explorer >
Defeat Snarbolax 10 times : < Red-Eye >
Defeat Snarbolax 100 times : < Silent Night Slayer >
Defeat Jelly King : < Royal Explorer >
Defeat Jelly king 10 times : < Slime Slaughter >
Defeat Jelly king 100 times : < Coup de Grace >
Defeat Roarmulus Twins : < Munitions Explorer >
Defeat Roarmulus Twins 10 times : < Twin - Repeater >
Defeat Roarmulus Twins 100 times : < No bark All bite >
Defeat Vanaduke : < Citadel Explorer >
Defeat Vanaduke 10 times : < Free Spirit >
Defeat Vanaduke 100 times : < Infernal Reign >
Clear a Shadow Lair : < ??? >
Clear all 4 Shadow Lairs : < Darkness Delver >
These are some examples, I want to see if anyone can come up with more clever ones!