Make the Amputator and Deconstuctor inflict defense down (+ ideas to fix specialist weapons)

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From the looks and descriptions of the these weapons it seems like it would be a good choice if debuff mechanics are explored.

PS/backround: this idea came about after some debate on how to fix "specialist and normal weapons"(cold iron carver, amputator etc) and we came up with an ideas of

--- To make almost all pure normal damage weapons except the blast bomb line ( no inherent damage bonus) have slight chances of stunning to varying degrees( leviathan blade would be minor and sudaruska would have strong stun)-(I personally feel that might be a bit crazy but it was a idea that was tossed around)-

---make specialist weapons do something odd, mostly debuffs,3 ideas for charge attacks we came up with were
-the cold iron vanquisher would inflict a slow debuff and wrap the enemy in chains

-the amputator line would make the knight lunge forward with the sword pointed in front skewering/sawing enemies before one last explosion, this would probably be done by basically applying the brandishes explosion hit box and having a invisible vortex bomb effect moving in front of the player on the sword during this attack. ( downside: think this is overkill and could put the player in danger by hindering the brandishes ability to kite and basically strapping the enemies in front of you to you, upside: basically only looking cool and dragging enemies somewhere else while being mauled by the enemy)

-the Winmillion idea that was had was to have the energy bolt have a chance to stun and carry enemies away with the previously mentioned invisible vortex bomb effect

Any further Ideas to help fix the specialist weapons would be nice to hear

If you are reading this thank you for your time!