New Weapon Variants and Buffs for existing ones...! :O

Balance Ideas
Status Flourishes and Cutter - Status Chance Increased.
These weapons deal their status way too rarely, why would I not use their more damaging counterparts if they can't status very often.
Hunting Blade and Wild Hunting Blade - Damage changed to piercing.
Nowadays us players can obtain Damage Level Maximum very easily. So this damage bonus versus Beasts on WHB isn't very useful at all. If you give it piercing damage however, it could be a nice and fun weapon.
Troika - Damage Increased on both Basics and Charge. Troika line can now do Stun on basics.
For being the heaviest and slowest sword, for some reason it does not have the highest damage per hit in the game. This makes no sense.
Catalyzer Lines - Radius Increase on charge bullet. Tagged Explosions will now detonate tags caught in the explosion.
One of the biggest problems with Catalyzer Lines is being unable to consistently detonate tags. Allowing for tagged explosions to trigger each other will allow for chain reactions, making it much easier to detonate when combined with the enlarged radius.
Tortofist - Remove hit limit on lodged shards. Maybe add Shock Status to stay true to the Tortos attack?
I don't understand why the hit limit exists. We have weapons like Blitz Needle and Dark Retribution that can hit multiple times in a single attack, so why do we need one here? The hit limit will removal will allow Tortofist to rack up a lot more DPS on its charge. If you add shock, that'll also help with preventing the insane knockback, allowing it to hit a single target many times.
(The New Lines PS I'm not the best at naming things - Recipes available at Basil.)
Piercing Ice Spur Line
3* - Freezing Razor
4* - Chillmillion
5* - Blizzillion
Elemental Fire Spur Line
3* - Burning Razor
4* - Scorchillion
5* - Blazzillion
Elemental Fire Catalyzer Line
3* - Fiery Catalyzer
4* - Molten Catalyzer
5* - Incinerator
Elemental Freeze Shard Bomb Line
3* - Flake Bomb(Gains Undead Damage Bonus High)
4* - Cool Flake Bomb(Gains Ice Status)
5* - Frigid Flake Bomb
Shadow Lair Exclusives
Shadow Poison Snarble Barb - This weapon will also fire two waves of spikes instead of 1. But the amount of spikes in each wave will be lower.
5* - Venomous Thorn Blade
Requirement: x2 Dark Thorn Blade, SL Mat: Nightmare Mane
Normal Sealed Sword - Continues the normal sealed sword line, the charge attack is a huge radius(about as big as 4* mist) inflicting random status on everyone within.
5* - Great Excalibur:
Requirement: Avenger and Faust, SL Mat: Celestial Ore
Dual Status Pulsar - When inflicting a status it is 50/50 chance for Fire or Shock.
5* - Neutron Cannon
Requirement: Blazing Pulsar and Gigawatt Pulsar, SL Mat: Gremlonium
Split Shadow and Elemental Fang of Vog
5* - Void Edge
Requirement: Fang of Vog, SL Mat: Maiden's Tear