New Unique Variant Ideas

Status Chance Increase
Low: +5%
Medium: +10%
High: +15%
Maximum: +25%
Status Power Increase
Increases Duration of Status and Strength of Status. Strength will affect how strong the effect is. Ex: Poison decreases defense more, Fire and Shock do more damage. Stun slows them down more. This will NOT affect the threshold needed to be immune to a status.
Low: +5%
Medium: +10%
High: +15%
Maximum: +25%
Dash Distance Increase
Low: +0.5 Tiles
Medium: +1 Tiles
High: +2 Tiles
Maximum: +3.5 Tiles
Shield Charge Reduction
Increases the recharge rate of broken shields.
Low: +5%
Medium: +10%
High: +15%
Maximum: +25%
Shield Radius Increase
Increases the radius of your shield will allow you to shield bump easier and help block attacks from hitting teammates
Low: +5%
Medium: +10%
High: +15%
Maximum: +25%
Fuse Time Reduction
Decreases Fuse Time of Bombs.
Low: -5%
Medium: -10%
High: -15%
Very High: -20%
Ultra: -30%
Maximum: -45%