Sleep Status Enemies
Jue, 08/15/2019 - 22:44

- Drowsy Wolver
- Alpha Drowsy Wolver
- Torpolisk
- Moon Bunny
- Hush Puppy
- Lucid Lumber or Revertree (reverie + tree)
- Night Knight
- Restrode
- Dreamerbot
- Indolent/Indolent Overtimer
- Diamond Greaver
- Dozer (gorgo)
- Gremlin Duster (scorcher variant with sleep mist)
- Gremlin Sedater (knocker)
- Lulling Mortafire
- Dream Drop
- Slothful Polyp
- Snoozing Howlitzer
- Napper or Drooler (kat)
- Lazy Bones
- Languid Deadnaught
- Listless Bombie
- Silent Scarab
This is an interesting discussion to be honest.
Do we-
A) Make every enemy in every status
B) Make special variants of each monster
I think I'm an advocate of a mix of A and B to be honest. Take arenas for example. Slimes would really change the feel of the arena based on which are available- if it's a neutral arena it's likely to have a giant lichen colony, but there's no status equivalent for that coded to arena, so it gives trojans sometimes.
This has actually been somewhat insightful. Thank you.