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Ability ideas for the pre gunner update gunner lines

1 Antwort [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Slyqouta

The old gunner sets seem to be a little bit out shined by the sets introduced in the gunner update that give up some normal defense for another ability, I think we should put them on a offensive par bu adding a few abilities.

To begin with all lines of this armor will have the following abilities

3* set gets a bullet that goes in-front of the player 3 tiles similar to the 4* antigua big finale charge bullet, for each level of this ability makes it hit another time it does about 100 damage.
---lets call it Dash Shot(DS)---

3* set gets DS med(hits twice)

4* set gets the ability to shoot farther by .5 tiles per rank (it was .75-1 tiles per rank then I remembered the shenanigans that was the old shard bombs range)
---lets call it Long Shot(LS)---

4* set has DS med and LS med ( it can shoot 1 tile farther and a dash bullet)


5* sets abilities that would be added to what their current stats are

Deadshot set the ability to send a silver eagle in-front/alongside of the player and 5 tiles(maybe too much) in the direction of the dash or bash after their done.This eagle does about 150 damage and inflicts the mark for death status for 2-4 seconds and hits once per rank of the perk
---lets call it Peacemakers Pursuit(PP)---

Deadshot set has no DS and it has LS med and PP V.high ( total of 4 big eagle hits)

Justifier set gets the ability to shoot a regular antigua bullet that does 250 damage and can inflict every strong status except freeze and sleep when on any weapons charge attack, you fire 1 special bullet per ability rank( 1 rank per piece)
---lets call it Shooting Star(SS)---

Justifier set has DS V.high, LS med, SS med ( dash bullet hits 4 times and fires 2 special shots and shoots 1 tile farther)

Nameless set gets the ability of when reloading you fire 4 shells/cases(1 per rank) the size of alchemizer shots that travel 3-5 tiles away in a random direction, upon hitting a enemy it deals about 100 damage and leaves shrapnel akin to the maskeraith quills that deal 80 damage( maybe too low).
---lets call it Hot Shot(HS)---

Nameless set has DS med, LS med, and HS V.high ( the neutral-ish gun set)

Shadowsun set has ability to regain shied from successful shots(2-6-12% depending on ability rank/per shot, ex autogun volleys count as 1)
---lets call this Gun Resolve(GR)---

Shadowsun set has LS max, GR max ( 12% shield gain per shot/hit and bullets go 3 tiles farther than they normally do)

low and med trinkets for the new abilities might be a thing

As for the gunner update/blademaster/specialist armors I might get to them, I would say give the gunner update armor at least LS low
cutting room floor ability ideas

---lingering shot= the 1 shot per rank, fired stay stuck in the air until more shots are fired or they are touched/hit by something, (cut for probably being really hard to code)
---reload speed down= faster reload, at max its basically no reload(cut because possible mindless spamming with no option for a counter attack)
---reload rush= get a speed boost for reloading( cut for not being as useful on some stationary firing guns)
---thunderclip(thunderclap)= when reloading you send a wave that slightly pushes enemies back 1 tile per rank( cut for too few openings for a counter attack on the gunner)
---malice= very short attack boost as a reward for landing consecutive shots (cut because I realized autoguns would be even more powerful)
---breakthrough=shots pierce past 1 enemy per rank ( some weapons would be at a much higher advantage than other, ie. autoguns)

Thank you for your time and any advice,feedback and alterations would be appreciated. :}

I don't like the ones that

I don't like the ones that spawn additional projectiles per shot. Too much spam and just a basic damage bonus really on those attacks.

I really like the Long shot, I think it should be added to all of them except maybe Shadowsun. That way you have a clean new ability that makes sense, isn't too overpowered (guns are already very powerful) and gives gunners a reason to use something other than black kat. I feel like Shadowsun with the +4 damage bonus is already the best out of the original gunner armors so giving that an equally powerful range increase will still leave justifier and nameless and deadshot less used.

Shadowsun could get the Gun Resolve ability which is nice to have but only helps defensively, so it doesn't make Shadowsun more attractive compared to Justifier or Nameless. Gun Resolve is also a nice idea because it mostly encourages good shields which are underrated by most players (getting some % hp back on SSB doesn't help much, but refilling a % of a grey owlite will be noticeable)

Some suggestions:

Breakthrough could be nice to put on the weaker armors. It could also be a % chance to penetrate to keep it from becoming too OP, and in any case it only helps if you align your shots to be able to hit 2 targets if they do happen to penetrate the first.

Malice could work as well, Autoguns wouldn't be that OP with them because missing 1 bullet would reset the bonus. It's only really against Vanaduke that you don't miss any shot and the bonus actually matters. For example against trojans you might also not miss any shot, but Blitz already one shots trojans anyway. If you want armors to have malice, you could start them off with a damage penalty of medium, where Malice allows them to gain the equivalent of +3 damage. That way if players miss their shots, their armor gives them -2 damage (they can still equip +6 from trinkets+perk, resulting in +4 base). If they hit all their shots, their damage will ramp up from +4 (+6 -2 base) to +7 (malice would bypass the damage cap since it is not damage bonus increase, but a separate modifier.