Shield ability ideas

Currently the risk and reward of some shields have led to some shields being a bit redundant, my aim is to fix that.
Here is a list of ideas me and a friend came up with.
-Aegis/ crest of Almire/ swiftstrike lines= faster movement while shielding.(stock standard shields to move faster)
-Plate lines= when a shield breaks you can still directional guard reducing the damage taken from the direction the knight is facing(we were thinking to recycling arkus's defense code)
-Breakers lines(surge,blizz,blaze)= add a 3* version of the force buckler(starbreaker, Stun) and make each shields bash deal their respective status(strong)( defense for status attack)
-Defense lines(skelly, jelley, owlite)= the when the shield is struck it makes enemies in a short range flinch, on break the enemy is pushed back (breathing room)
-Scarlet shield= the bash inflicts the heart attack status( potential healing at the cost of defense)
-Dragon/scale= upon shield break a small area is inflicted with defense down and enemies are pushed back(odd defense makes it vulnerable to breaking, opposite of the omega shell )
- Omega shell line= faster shield regen (10-20%) (tanking possibilities at the cost of damage type defense)
-Barbarous Thorn shield= attack up after shield break ( it already boosts attack, its a fight or flight sort of deal)
non shield- shield abilities( Edited: abilities that are not on a shield that pertain to the shield or weaponry that may take attack status influence from the shield )
-just like any other armor ability such as damage bonus, it can also act like a UV as in it can also be found on weapons naturally, but instead of a damage bonus it may have a chance to deal the shield bash's status, it cannot be obtained by shields much like how ASI cant be obtained by bombs.
-It may also affect the shield through a action such as dashing or charge attacking, it links the shields stats to other actions the player may do.
-low=1/6%, med= 2/6%, high=3/6%=50% etc.
1.Shield Unity(SU)
For each rank the chance to inflict the shields bash's status effect on charge attacks increases by 1/6 about 16-17%( all shields do stun)
Plate armor lines would have SU MAX (100% to inflict stun or the bash ability on Charge attack)
Angelic Raiment lines would have SU med (2/6 33% chance to inflict stun or bash ability on Charge attack)
Ex. A leviathan blade with the scarlet shield while wearing a 5* plate set would inflict the heart attack and stun status's on charge.
Ex2. A combuster with a surgebreaker shield while wearing a 5* plate set would deal both strong fire and shock and weak stun with its charge attack.
plate/dragon/shell/Aegis lines would activate for 2-3 seconds during/after the charge attack( plate shield= higher resistances when charge attacking, dragon shield would inflict drastic knock-back, omega shell line would would boost shield regen on charge attack, Aegis lines would move faster after a charge attack)
Specialized weapons like the Cold Iron Vanquisher(C.I.V), Amputator, deconstructor would have either SU med or V.high(2/6--4/6 33-67% chance to inflict the shield bashes status)
Ex. A knight equipped with the blazebreaker shield and a Amputator/C.I.V/ Deconstructor would have a chance for the charge attack to deal weak stun and strong fire
if the tortodrome shield is equipped it would do the bashes slam when a charge attack is launched( the knight wont actually bash though)
2. Iron Will(IW)
For each rank you recover 1/6-1/12= 8-16%of your shield on dash.( one piece of armor((IW high)) may fill 25-50% of the shield on dash)
Exclusive to the Heavenly Iron set each piece has SU low and IW high for MAX IW on a full set(idea being bash-dash-bash combo)( it can not be obtained as a UV, just a armor ability)
A question, should the player be invincible during bashing or should the shield take damage when the player would be damaged and the player only takes damage if the shield is broken, or keep it the same.
Thank you for your time! :]

Sorry about the misunderstanding, it seems some chunk may have been deleted when I clicked back into the window, Also auto correct ;\
I like the first part but I honestly don't understand what you're saying in the "Non Shield - Shield Abilities" part. Could you please try to be clearer on what this actually is? Is it a UV or something? Is it a UV for shields only? What affects how it works?
Also shied.