Remove randomness from angle of first ricochet on Alchemers

Alchemers are a pretty fun weapon to use, however, the current state of the weapon line is either hit or miss, both figuratively and literally.
The gimmick of Alchemers is for fired shots to ricochet on hitting objects, walls or enemies, however you are also able to have a fired shot ricochet up to three times within an enemy, if you hit to the left of the enemy, doing excellent damage.
The problem with this is currently, if you arent ricocheting shots internally constantly, the weapon fails to hold its own compared to some other available guns, with its two-shot clip. This is also made worse by the randomness of the bounce angle.
My suggestion is to have the randomness of the first ricochet of each bullet of Alchemers removed, so that the weapon is more skill based, and is able to have a constant dps, as I feel most agree that Alchemers are seen as a weapon that requires some mastery to learn, but there is the added factor of luck, which sometimes really takes away from the potential of the weapon. Removing the randomness of the initial bounce of each bullet would make alchemers significantly more consistent, and make it a rewarding, skill-based weapon.

It helps the alchemers slightly spamming shots through switching, but even then that doesn't fix the problem of the weapon being sometimes good, and other times mediocre.

It's not OP even with single-switching imo, and it loses effectiveness on larger parties due to tankier mobs, scattered aggros, and random knockbacks... plus it's extremely hard to keep up with ppls using sword combos and weapon charge spams.
Also, Ricochets = rng
Alchemers is just for fun and utility on pve party runs imo.
... and ppls says that Owlite wand (inferior nova driver = slower firing speed to and cannot be shield-cancelled)
is just fine as the way it is...
And some ppls who owns one but says the same doesn't use it at all
and... just either vendors it at a low price or just flex it on haven... or just keeps it for collection.
I know someone who bought a clean wand, spends tons of crs for ASI VH and CTR med UV... tested it on lockdown and comments that it's so slow and impractical... then vendored it on AH a few days later and just got sold for only damn 2.3m cr... it's the usual offers of ppls just for a clean wand (which has 25-30ke b/o price) on the first few days of the promo.

I agree that it's not OP, if anything it's slightly underpowered due to it's inconsistency, which is why I made this thread.
Charge spamming isn't really a bad thing, it's just another playstyle, and it's just the fastest way of dealing with enemies. If anything we should be looking at ways to make swords better without charges, but that's another discussion for another thread.
On the topic of Owlite wand, I don't see a problem with it, as it's a small toy paying players get to have, instead of being fed more premium & powerful weapons like mixers, which wouldn't be good for the health of the game. ( dgs pls ;] ) I think GHs approach with premium weapons (going off just wand) is more fair, making them something fun to have but not disrupting to the point where it's a must have item, but again, this is a topic for another thread.

I've been thinking about this for a while and I'm starting to think they should go through with it.
It's strangely good design that the bullets get stuck in enemies, and having it activate consistently would be a huge boon for the weapon. Right now it's like, 50% even if you're perfect. With this it would be 0% if you did it wrong and 100% if you did it right, and I think that's a great trade in terms of game design.
Side Note: Comment number one shows us how oddly biased player feedback is, and I don't mean personal bias alone, but rather the fact that everyone has a different selection of weapons. Most people don't have a full picture, but rather a collection of puzzle pieces stuck together. Getting an owlite wand or mixer would do wonders for the idea that switch shooting is OP.
The 2 shot clip can be easily avoided by weapon switching, which makes alchemers OP