Another Cue from Nature

TO: All Knights
FROM: Spiral HQ
SUBJECT: Taking Another Cue From Nature
In order that we may better survive while on Cradle, Spiral HQ science teams continue to gather data on ways to blend in with local flora and fauna. Study and analysis are ongoing, and as part of that, we ask for your assistance again with field testing.
Volunteers for OPERATION MIMIC TWO will receive, as part of the Vile Prize Box, items that mimic some of the most toxic creatures on this planet. For example:
* Venom Fiend Wings
* Venom Fiend Mail
* Venom Fiend Mask
* Venomous Aura
* Vile Helms and Armors
* Vile Accessories
For the full breakdown on this box, go here. The Vile Prize Box will be available to you through November 06, 2019.
SUMMARY: OPERATION MIMIC is go! Please remember to report your findings to Spiral HQ.