The reflect block is stupid

The block in the Vaults that reflects damage is stupid. I was running Dark Retriution and was doing my first vault ever. I dropped a dark retribution and suddenly I just started dying. There was nothing I could do, I just died. I had to spark, and luckily had a friend explain what happened or i would probably have died again trying to fight the enemies in that room.
They shouldn't reflect damage dealt from bombs, that's kinda stupid, well, tthey're stupid overall. But at the very least put a warning at the beginning, like what (used to be? or still?) is in wolver dens and such. A warning that tells new people that they will instantly die if they go bombing. :(

I wouldn't mind them that much if they didn't reflect shock spasms, but yeah a warning would be good.

wow, rude much. And no, I don't really have problems with it. Except for the fact that it's the only special block that isn't introduced to you and thus seems like just another prop without effect.
I can do Vaults just fine now after a few, but the reflect blocks are still stupid.
Echo blocks are a painful but cool addition in my opinion, though they don't work at all with bombs for sure especially if you happen to be unfortunate enough to get a very small closed off fight next to them. Treasure Vaults also are quite unique I have to run a specific loadout to get through them in one piece, I'd just bring other gear if you plan on completing it or use the elevator at the start to skip it all together. Its generally a good idea to have a little bit of flexibility in loadouts, bring a sword or gun along with your bomb(s).

The main problem is just that nothing explains them, unlike ALL other blocks which are in the Advanced Training Hall. (Still kinda stupid how bad bombing next to them is though, but it is manageable after you understand what they are.)

So you don't know what they do because they weren't explained to you. They actually just reflect damage back onto you. So don't hit them.
Mad because bad if you get good you won't have these issues ok