Basic Colored Generic Costumes

So I just realized we don't have Toasty, Regal, Military, Cool, Fancy, Dusky, and Divine versions of generic costumes! Grey Havens, please add these into the game. When I say generic costumes I mean like:
Cuirass, Culet, Draped Armor, Flak Jacket, Fur Set, Plate Set, Tailed Helms, etc. I know some of them are available from the character select screen but you never get to have another one at any point in the game!
It's a shame because they'd be so great for building costumes and they'd look awesome in the basic colors. I noticed we don't have very many costumes to put the basic colored accessories on that aren't promo costumes. Grey Havens, please do this for us.
How to implement it? Simple, have Bechamel sell these armors in each of the colors I just mentioned. I know we have Volcanic versions of these costumes available from a promotion box, but you should add those there too as no one can really get them anymore!
P.S. Also bring back Demo Suit Costumes
I vote yes, because I want to get these. Perhaps we could have a default-promo? Perhaps they could go into lockboxes?