Auction House Update

Some ideas to make auction house more fun
Buy Each
Instead of having to list the same item over and over again, we can check a checkbox underneath the auction time selection called "Buy Each" this will make each item in your stack costs the buy out. For Example: You list 10 divine stars for 1.5kcr Buy Each. A consumer can then come and select how many they want to buy for 1.5kcr each.
Infinite Auction Time Listing
This is probably niche but it would still be nice and it would work well with the previous suggestion. Infinite auction time lasts forever. The catch is that your knight is automatically taxed once a day to pay for the endless auction. Once the item sells you get the initial listing fee back but you won't get the taxes back. There's a unique thing about infinite auctions, when it comes to bidding on them, the seller can accept the offer at any time by clicking a button once it receives bids.
Item Packaging
The ability to package our items into a container, and then sell that on auction. Like the eye packs. Packages can be bought for the small price of free!. You can then put up to 14 items in your package. You cannot put packages inside packages. Packages can be listed on the auction house and traded to other players. When you hover over them, you can see all the contents of the package. For Example: Let's say I bought a package and then stuffed it with hallow costumes. After wrapping it I can put it on auction house and other people can hover over it and see that it contains hallow items. You can also name your packages.