New Battle Sprite Update Ideas:

We need more Battle Sprites, and I am not talking about re-skins. We have the red Drakon, the yellow Seraphynx, and the purple Maskeraith. According to the wiki, only the Seraphynx uses an unknown color pattern, but I am confident it uses one of the Regal (yellow) variety. Besides, it uses Yellow Shards to level up. Anyway, I have a few individual points I want to make about Sprites.
Firstly, I noted in another recent post how I think status effects should have their color associations altered. This carries over here. Drakon already has Fire, and Maskeraith already has Poison, which conveniently lines up with my aforementioned logic. However, Seraphynx is currently incapable of inflicting status of any kind that I am aware of. I have said before that Shock should be made yellow; Seraphynx is categorized as yellow per its use of Yellow Shards. Give Seraphynx the ability to inflict the Shock status with its Ray of Light ability. Added bonus in that real-life defibrillators/AEDs use electric shock to bring people back from the brink of death by jumpstarting their hearts, which works with the sprite’s healing abilities and focus on making more hearts appear.
Secondly, I want to explore the inspiration behind the current three sprites’ designs and how it could affect potential future sprites. I am not counting the designs of re-skins because they are functionally the same as the base model. It is safe to say Maskeraith is based on the Undead monster family; I say it is not based on Fiends because it has a skull-like mask face, because it floats, and because it has a ghostly appearance complete with tattered cape. I will say the Drakon is based on Beasts, as nothing else really makes sense for it. As for the Seraphynx, this is a bit tougher. It looks like an angelic cat, but both the Beast (sorry Wolvers) and Undead (sorry Kats) families are taken. Clearly it is not a Construct, Fiend, or Slime. The only remaining option is Gremlin. This sounds strange, but upon closer inspection of the Tier 3 Seraphynx model, and of a gremlin model showing its full face and ears, they are pretty similar. Remember, this is looking solely at the visual design of the thing, not its function, lore, or abilities. In addition, Gremlins and Undead have opposite damage types, resistances, and weaknesses, which works nicely with yellow and purple being complementary (opposite) colors.
Lets recap the groupings so far by color (Questions? See my earlier post on color associations):
-Red: Toasty, Crimsonite, Fire, Normal damage, and Beast-based sprite.
-Orange: Heavy, “Amber”, Stun, Piercing damage, and no current sprite.
-Yellow: Regal, Luminite, Shock, Normal damage, and Gremlin-based sprite.
-Green: Military, Valestone, Sleep, Elemental damage, and no current sprite.
-Blue: Cool, Moonstone, Freeze, Normal damage, and no current sprite.
-Purple: Dusky, Dark Matter, Poison, Shadow damage, and Undead-based sprite.
-Pink: Fancy, no current mineral, Curse, Void damage, and no current sprite.
This brings me to my next point. So we have red, yellow, and purple sprites representing the Beast, Gremlin, and Undead monster families respectively. Following my logic, we are missing sprites representing the colors orange, blue, and green, and the Construct, Slime, and Fiend monster families. Here is where things get interesting. The minerals’ flavor text loosely describes the sprite they pertain to. For Valestone, some key words are “vibrant” and “essence of natural life”. If you consider how green is complementary to red, this sprite should be largely opposite in nature from the Drakon. The Drakon can be summed up in one word due to its nature and use: aggressive. The green sprite should thus be more passive in its abilities. Beasts also have the opposite damage types, resistances, and weaknesses of Constructs making this easier to sort out. Green is also by my logic (again, from previous post!) associated with the sleep status. This leaves a decent framework to work with.
The Valestone-powered battle sprite should be a passive, Military-colored, Sleep-inducing Construct based on natural life. Enter Tortomega and/or Tortodrone-inspired battle sprite.
We still need two more sprites for the Amber and Moonstone minerals. Remember, Piercing is now colored orange. Maskeraith is like Undead (shadow damage) and purple, and “Tortosprite” is like Constructs (elemental damage) and green. Thus it only makes sense that the orange sprite is like Slimes (piercing damage). By process of elimination the blue sprite should represent the Fiend monster family. These two sprites should be able to inflict Stun and Freeze, respectively.
In summary, I predict/strongly propose/would pay cold, hard Krogmo Coins for these NEW Battle Sprites:
-Orange/Heavy-colored, “Amber”-fueled, Stun-inducing, Slime-based sprite
-Green/Military-colored, Valestone-fueled, Sleep-inducing, Construct-based sprite.
-Blue/Cool-colored, Moonstone-fueled, Freeze-inducing, Fiend-based sprite.
Please help my dreams be realized!