Catalyzer and Shard Bombs and general bomb buff?
Basically I feel catalyzer's and shard bombs need a buff, my idea? Well for catalyzer's its kind of simple but basically the explosion from the non charged bullets should trigger all other non charged bullets, not just the charged bullet (if that makes sense?) e.g there is 2 enemies in front of you, you shoot them both once, then you charge shot one of the enemies, the orbiting bullet explodes as it should but if the other enemy is hit by the explosion the orbiting bullet explodes around them, which can of course cause a chain reaction which would be satisfying to watch.
Another small detail would be biohazard's normal shot's that orbit around enemies having a chance to poison them, not just the explosion.
For shard bomb's I feel that making the secondary crystals that are released after the first explosion act like mines would make them more useful, of course they explode over time like they normally do but if an enemy is to come in contact with the shard before it explodes, it should trigger the shard to explode prematurely. Of course AoE increase would be nice too
Lastly, for the general bomb buff. I think it would be nice if bomb's got an ability to increase the area of the explosions. Like swords and guns get fire rate/ attack speed increases, bombs should get AoE increases
anyways please voice your opinions on these buffs cause it'd be good to get a conversation going
also, sorry if this is hard to understand, not the greatest at describing things.