Item Packs - Compact Storage of Items

So, you know how the eye packs on supply depot contain multiple items? It would be nice if we had an item that allowed us to store items inside of a box and trade/auction it. There should be a small crown sink to buy one of these, or maybe it's crafted. But it shouldn't cost more than like 3kcr.
For example: Say I have a Nightblade, set of Dusker Armor, and Swifstrike Buckler, and I want to sell them as a set. I could craft/purchase an Item Pack (Empty) and then tuck these items inside and list it on the Auction House! At most, you can put 14 items inside of an item pack. Opening the item pack does do the cool little box animation, so you can show off to your friends if you wanted to. When a player hovers over an item pack, they'll see all the contents. Players can name their packs and it has its own special section on auction house.
This would really open the door for what we could do in terms of listing items on auction house.