Healing weapons
One thing that has really been nagging at me is the inability to heal party members, beyond the Seraphynx's Heart Attack ability making enemies more likely to drop hearts. I can see the potential to make the game pointless, however, if the weapons are not properly balanced, and thus I propose a few ideas I had to get the devs started:
Idea one: Mender staff
Similar to the Darkfang shield, this would be an extremely rare drop from gremlin menders, being the staff they use to heal other monsters. The primary attack would be to swing the staff, dealing pathetic damage but ok knockback. The charge attack would require a ~2-3 second charge (however long the menders take, I'm not good at estimations of time), and would heal whatever player is aimed at an amount roughly equal to a tier 2 health capsule, said amount starting lower than that and increasing as the heat level increases. However, the player cannot move while charging, only turn in place, that being in case their target moves or changes.
Idea two: Medical orbitgun
functioning like the catalysers, this would fire small orbs that would orbit around a party member they came into contact with for a second or two, gradually healing them over time like a heart generator, albeit less per hit than even the smallest heart generators. capable of firing only one shot before needing to reload. the charge shot was tricky to think of, but then I had another idea borrowed from the catalysers: the charge shot causes any orbs on the target to explode in a burst of healing, doing the full amount all at once. This would come in handy if the party is in combat and doesnt have time or room to hide away and let the orb run its course
Idea 3: Med bomb
the simplest and likely easiest to implement and balance of the three, my third idea is simply a bomb that gives a burst of healing to any nearby allies, though not the user themself. Alternately, it could effectively turn a small area into a heart generator for a few seconds, albeit slower than most heart generators.
All in all, these would provide a much more supporting role for those who like to play medic, and enable the user to help out party members who are almost dead but weren't lucky enough to get heal capsules or hearts. However, they would maintain balance by being slow to use/leaving the user vulnerable, making them better suited to moments of respite than the middle of combat, as well as not healing the user (since this would effectively make them an infinite source of healing which could be exploited by solo players, as well as rendering heal capsules pointless for parties with a healer in tow) and being worthless against enemies, meaning you would have to sacrifice a weapon slot that could be occupied by a much more powerful weapon like the blitz needle or divine avenger