Almost 10 years with the same BUGS... Suggestion to fix them? And more..

1. Fire falls on you in vanaduke and you get stuck, no matter how many sparks you use you cant do nothing.
Before you called a game master and came to your aid but now they don't even come ..
2. Almost 10 years with invisible bombs in lockdown, you get to capture a point and surprise you are magically shocked
3. The most important is the lag spike so hard it does not matter if you have a NASA connection and 1ms of ping you will always have teleports and lag spikes,
4. Bad game optimization and default download in java32 bit when most gamers 99.9% will use 64 bit OS.
5. And the last and most important thing to hear from the players and suggestions once after 10 years thank you. Players are the ones who keep the game alive without us it's nothing spiral knights.
Now I want to add some suggestions to improve the gaming experience
a) Balance all sets and weapon damage so there is variety of play and not being forced to do the same set.
b) PvE add drops to make it more interesting to search in the mechanisms for example a wolver alpha ash tail can dropp you volcanic wolver tail I know this already exists but I mean expand it to have a reason to go to the mechanisms.
c) PvP As I said, balance the game and add new modes such as deathmach, 1v1 duels, battle royale, all against all ...
I take this opportunity to leave the link of a video that I made enjoy it in 1080p