Arcade 2.0
My suggestion is very simple:
Implement mission exclusive scenario rooms / depths into arcade. This would enhance the explorability and result in more joy when playing arcade.
The scenario arena in the end of 3-1 Alien Ooze. This could be added to lichen depths as a scenario room.
The boss level from 2-3 The Colector. The design of this level is truly great and I find it a waste of potential to only have it in that T1 mission. Having this appear in Arcade from T1-T3 would be a nice addition to playgame quality.
Some levels do not fit for this. Tutorial levels like Faith in Armor for example. Or the 9-1 The Silent Legion depths.
Conclusion: I feel like this is an easy way of reusing existing content in order to enhance the quality of the Arcade as a lot of players don't feel like exploring and finding new things when playing the Arcade.
Thank you for reading.
There's much more they could do: reuse old and more common procedural layouts, old scenario rooms and heck, even old pre-made levels (like the one with Travelling Mechant). Those were good times...