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Make Weapon Drops from Boxes more Common

4 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Almondtasterad

This is something which has bugged me for quite some time. I have recently been digging around in the Weapon Drop forum post, and it seems to me like over the years less and less people have been getting gear from boxes, or at least gear that is actually in the 3-4* range.
This has gotten me to thinking: How about the drop rate for gear and weapons from boxes is increased significantly? I am a person who has made over 10+ accounts that have gotten or reached 5* and all missions complete, and the 3* and 4* grind has always been the worst, as it has always been for everyone without any money.
The best way I think this can be achieved is to, like I said, increase the drop rate of gear, but also make the gear scale to the depths. Gear in the 0-1* range would still drop in depth 18+, but the chances of getting 4* and 5* gear would be much higher than the others, the same going for all other depths in the game.
One of the main reasons that people leave the game after a little while is that they get stuck in the 3* or 4* grind for gear, and I feel like increasing drop rates would keep them in the game because with enough grinding they could get one or two pieces of gear to help them out on their journey.
I also feel like this would not really hurt the economy, because most weapons without UVs do not sell for anything anyways, so adding this would do practically nothing to people actively merching, and if people getting the weapons wanted to, they could at least sell some gear that they get in levels for some decent crowns.

Just my 2 cents. I have gotten a couple of pieces of gear in my 3k+ hours of playing the game, and 2 of them were actually good things for players to craft up, a Prismatec Alchemer Mk II, and a Drake Scale Shield (3* version). If these drops were increased, it would really help the community in my opinion.

Portrait de Qever
I disagree

I disagree with your reasoning.First of all a drop of gear will not change anything for 2 reasons,first it might be a gear that you do not need and as a new player,you might as a newbie upgrade and realizing that this gear is not so good and get frustated because you will need to make gear again from the start,the drop gear cannot be so common to drop more than 1-2 times in your playing time to reach 5star,it will be too easy.Selling a random gear in Auction will not be effective as I do not think that someone will buy in AH,most people buy gear with uvs,selling a random 3-4 star gear will not make a difference.

Second I do not think that is difficult to reach 5 star gear.If a player stops before reaching the 5 star then for me is pretty certain that he will stop the game soon eitherway.

The game has grind yes.The biggest part of the grind is after reaching 5 star.But is the main problem the Grind?No it is not in my oppinion the grind but the way we need to grind.The biggest payout with big difference is vana,no other stage or mission can compare with it in terms of crowns and rads(the 2 things player wants more).The repeated vana runs tire players and make them leave.

Spiral Knights have so many pretty stages with not good payout sadly,seeing again and again Vana tires you so much.I personally try to go to arcade,to arenas and do a DAN when I need rads,also I do some vanas but I really do not enjoy Vana anymore..
They need to adjust a bit the payout in Arcade and decrease the big difference between Vana and the other stages..

Portrait de Almondtasterad

I can see your point of view. I wrote this fairly quickly, just because it was on my mind, and not really thinking about the overarching problems of doing this. You do point out that SK is by nature a grinding game, and I agree. I suppose what I am trying to say here now that I think about it is that it would be nice to have the drop rate increased a little bit such that weapons do spawn in boxes a little more often. Would be a nice thing to see rarely from boxes besides the typical loot.
In terms of grinding, yeah, this game is grindy at the 3* and 4* levels, but definitely nowhere near as crazy of a grind as a game like Runescape, so I guess it is more of a person's personal preference on how much they want to do in the game.
I stick to my opinion, that the drop rate should be buffed a bit, but I do agree with some of the points that you make.


Portrait de The-Ancient-One

The most suggestions forum of exchanges right there. The devs don't care about either of your points and just want money. There is no "good or bad for the game" type things being held in account- they literally made a casino and have never listened to us about balance or fine tuning or whatever.

The 3-4 star grind isnt the worst

tbh what takes the longest once you know what you're doing is levelling your 4 star gear to level 10 so you can make it 5 star. The rest is fairly quick but it takes FOREVER with how many shining you need