Idea to improve Endgame and make SL worthwhile

6 respuestas [Último envío]

After a long period of inactivity I came back to SK and I'm having fun again. This last week I've been revisiting all the Shadow Lairs because I've been told that they are harder and have been looking for a challenge.

Now, I don't wanna rant about how they scaled difficulty. Let's just say it's been lazy work and I feel that not much of thought and testing has been put into it. But I get it, the team is small and there is other stuff to worry about.
What really grinds my gears is how there haven't been made any changes to the loot. The implemented changes make it look like a failed attempt of suicide, to be frank.

While browsing through the forums today I saw a nice post about gear drops from boxes and it gave me this imo great idea: Implement gear drops in SL as a common occurence. Of course, most of the drops would be low level gear but give each SL a few unique strong weapon drops. I'm talking Mixmaster, Viking weapons etc. Those would still be very rare but you would have a humane chance to get them.

I haven't put much thought into this and I'm open to criticism but the upsides I see in this are:

1. It's RNG. You love RNG.
2. It should be fairly simple to implement, test and adjust droprates if needed.
3. It would revive Endgame! SL is fun, challenging and such a cool endgame. It's something special but not having any reward for long-time players to it makes all it's great ideas worthless.
4. "Casual" players like me would actually have a chance to get those awesome weapons
5. It would bring life into the AH (I think? not a big trader)

What do you think of this?

Imagen de Fishysh

Adding more to shadow lairs reward-wise is an absolute must right now, and while people need more of a reason to run them, doing this might kill the value for certain items that people may have paid top dollar for.

Maybe, adding free to play versions of mixers as a craftable at the end of shadow lairs in the sanctuary could be good. Gear themed to the lairs would not only be very welcome thematically, but also as a nice reward for getting through the lair.

Shadow lair gear has been requested for a very long time, but I think that rewards from shadow lairs should be kept until the very end of the lair, and away from rng, so the player has something to feel accomplished about. Either way, you're 100% right about the current lairs needing something more enticing.


I get your point, but I don't think crafting is the way to go. Adding a few more sets to the final alchemy machine will not create a rep(l)ayable endgame.
While I understand that RNG is not particularly liked by players, it would really hype stuff up and many people will come back and farm this, think "One Piece".
Your idea would too but it would go back to where we're at way faster imo.

What this game needs right now is a big hook for all players and nothing hooks more than RNG.
(Also its more incentive for Grey Heaven but pssst)


I agree with fish that it would probably be better if the reward was more a proof of accomplishment (e.g. like the status symbols that fang of vog, snarbolax armor etc used to be). I think the one thing that actually hooks players more than gambling is being able to show off to other players how much better you are at being a spiral knight. Also the rewards could be more than just completing the shadow lair once per piece of equipment. They could make it so you have to farm 10-20-30 of the boss materials to craft a mixmaster. Then it would be just as grindy as the RNG, and regarded as an accomplishment rather than a lucky drop.


I actually didn't even think of the possibility to make it craftable using a lot of SL materials. Sounds great in theory but the problem I see is that you'll just be able to but these materials. Making them unsellable would kinda suck as well.

How about a mix? Create new materials that drop from mobs in the SL and that are bound to your character. Like, different parts of the gun or something. It would be more work but probably the most balanced approach.


I like the idea of dropping promo reskins in Shadow Lair. I would like to see it this way: every month in Shadow Lair there will be a chance to get only 1 type of reskin. You can find out about the type of drop for this month in the "News" tab. (News of the type "Have time to get a unique item "Winter's Edge" in Shadow Lair within a month!).

I don't know if it is really

I don't know if it is really a problem that players can buy the materials. It does take away from the accomplishment-factor, but then again if they were untradeable people could still pay for a carry through the SL's to get the materials that way. If the materials remain tradeable, their price would probably go up by a good bit (say like 50k each, provided the rewards are worth it) and then SL's could be a good place to farm money for players who can handle it.