Lets talk about the kat event

So first of all there's no reason for them to fix it because it functions perfectly. This thread isn't for them, because they're like the vengeful god that hates its creation and condemns it to hell; we are abandoned. They are not reading this, and for all practical purposes they do not exist. Not only this, but last time we asked and pleaded with them, they lowered the drop rate, making the book rarer- from 1/200 to 1/250. But I like to talk about this, so I'm making a thread about it anyway. This one is for us.
The kat event is bad because it gives us no agency (and requires us to sit alone in the dark)
1/25,000 books per normal kat spawned (1 in 100 black kats per kat; 1 in 250 black kats has a book) makes for an awful time sink, designed to frustrate us and force us to spend energy to buy slots etc. from the lucky few. The glaring problem with this is that it's about a 63% chance, after completing the grind and spawning 25,000 kats, of getting anything for it. After 5000 kats it's about an 18% chance of getting the kat. So while 18% of people get lucky, 37% cannot find a book to save their life, and everyone else is somewhere in the middle.
My personal solution
Give the player some agency by letting them manipulate the odds in their favor.
The following items would have an effect on black kat spawn rates:
Then, you make a bigger sink for the event-
Statistics on farming:
Full Katnips (4 people) = .01 (base) + .0025*8 (8 trinkets total) = 3% = 3x current rate
Full Purring caps+Katnips (4 people) = .01 + .12 + .02 = 15% chance of getting a kat = 15x
Most possible (purring caps + katnips + black kat seraph + kat armor) = .01 + .12 +.02+.04 + .02 = 21% = 1 in 5 kats!
Statistics on new crafting scheme:
Black Kat = 24 whiskers needed total = 6 books required for all
All kat hiss/claw/eye items = 27 total whiskers needed = 7 books required for all
Total = 13 books instead of the usual 1 book + ~10K ce
Obviously you'll be somewhere in the middle- you won't start with all the +farming effects, so 1:5 is for those farming who want a challenge and the items that give you bonuses gimp you in the process as they don't come with much bonus. That being said, the effect is pretty straightforward- you fight a TON more black kats, a TON more Margrel, have a TON more fun, and you have to, because you need to and are given the incentive to do so. Obviously these stats etc. are up for change, but the idea is out there.
But anyway, the purpose of this is for you to write your own solution
Keep in mind the other ideas from the past that were rejected: https://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/104765
And if you're in my discord and pester me a bit I'll even give you something nice for writing in.