This is a question in mind because I want to come back to this game next year and hearing people predict the death, downfall, or revival of the game gives me a heart attack because I have missed 8+ years of this game due to lag, school, and career plannings. Is there hope for longevity? (please tell me)?
Is the game going to last til 2030?

Also don't listen to all the noise about SK dieing or reviving, it's not doing you any favors. Just play and enjoy the game whenever.

Is the game going to last til 2030?
That is a tall order as only the most popular MMO can last more than two decades (runescape, WoW), SK should be counting its blessings that it lasted so long even with its numerous and unfixed flaws. I say at maximum this game can limp along for another 5 years, until the staffs of GH move on to greener pastures or give up on the server due to one RL reason or another.
Fun fact: SK only has about 2.5% of its playerbase left from its peak according to steam chart. Even if we give GH cheerleaders the benefit of the doubt and say 'WeLl ThErE ArE MoRe AcCOuNTs NOt oN STeAm" and double that number, it is still 5%.

I see your point. In your opinion, what makes MMO's dead?
I enjoyed the game, but the problem is I didn't get enough time to because of life. I'd like to get back to the game (when I have proper computer for gaming only) when it's convenient. I'm afraid I might come back next year seeing no players or even a few because I took the action later or at the last time. Not only that, but I wanted to provided all raw HD series, streams, game-plays, ideas, tutorials, tourneys, etc on YouTube, but just seeing the forums and the community in general gives me hope and worries that the game can be the next RuneScape or WoW (if those games are going on a journey of game survival and stability).

I've been seeing threads about how Spiral Knights was dead/dying since 2011 (the year the game launched). If I had worried about such threads, I would have missed out on thousands of hours of entertainment.
My advice is to play the game as if it's never going to die. Probably your interest will end before the game ends anyway.
A separate issue is whether you should invest money in the game. In my opinion, you should contribute a little money to offset the costs of the entertainment that you're enjoying. Of course, you should not contribute more money than the value that you receive. Vote with your money.
Also, I think it's crazy to sink huge sums of money into virtual items, whether merely cosmetic or (sigh) game-play-affecting. But of course that's my opinion, based on my disinterest in cosmetics and my aversion to risking money in speculating on virtual goods.
Well Greyhavens' whole deal is they buy games to maintain and keep it running. If I remember correctly when they initially acquired SK, they labelled themselves as a " nonprofit video game museum." If anything is really gonna "kill" the game it'll be the LLC that owns SK closing down. I'm not sure what their costs are or what their other revenue streams are, so I personally don't know if that'll happen any time soon. Though I'm sure they make a killing each time they release the same promo box again. Don't worry, the lag is still present.