Fehzor's Balancing Ideas: Swords

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Dread Venom Striker
+25 percent damage increase to base damage

Wild Hunting Blade
+30 percent damage increase to base damage
+As fast as dvs

+2nd hit always stuns
+charge always stuns
+change attack speed to be same as DAs (slightly faster)

+2nd hit always freezes
+charge always freezes
+change attack speed to be same as DAs (slightly faster)

+Charge should last longer, travel further
+Projectile on normals should travel further/last longer

+First swipe always ignites
-First swipe deals less or no damage

+First swipe always stuns
-First swipe deals less or no damage

Fang of Vog
+Same damage as combuster on normal swings, even with fire (it's balanced by slower swing speed)
+Charge deals stun as well as fire

Gran Faust
+2nd hit always deals curse
+Same charges as divine avenger; keeps curse
+No self curse

Divine Avenger
+2nd hit always deals fire
+Charge gets fire added

+Inflicts heart attack on charge

Leviathan Blade
+Last hit always stuns
+Charge hits also stun

Cold Iron Vanquisher
+Elemental/Normal damage = Combuster
+Undead Max

Celestial Sabre
+Last hit always lights on fire
+Charge hits also lights on fire

Sweet Dreams
+Stun on charge switched to sleep
+Always puts em to sleep