Why isn't Spiral Knights on consoles and/or Mobile?

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Dragelid's picture

They really ought to put this game on consoles and/or mobile. I feel like it would be a perfect fit. Controls would be pretty easy, I think and it would fantastic for attracting new players. Surprising it hasn't been done yet because it just seems like the perfect idea. The game definitely needs it now and might just save/revive the game.

The-Ancient-One's picture

Devs: *Can't even get the steam version of the game to work on a fresh install of windows 10 due to complications with java*
Devs: *Releases prize box, sound of crickets, tumbleweeds slowly migrating from Bang! Howdy! to SK*

Real talk though, the ship has sailed for that, long ago, long long ago. They could still do it or work on the game but they don't. My theory is that they're scared of real change, scared of losing their playerbase, and scared of changing the game away from what it was supposed to have been. They just want to maintain it in its glory, maybe finish off a few loose ends. I don't think this is the right mentality for them to take on, but it's the vibe I get from them.

Sir-Pandabear's picture

If I bought a switch game and the game didn't work at all on an airplane I'd be livid, personally.

Midnight-Dj's picture

I still don't get why people think when SK gets a bigger audience the game will suddenly revive. It is as if new players would love the tedious grind and the repetitive endgame and stay around. SK has so many issues and is so woefully behind its peers I doubt any boost in player base would last. I mean, back then, SK was something new, nowadays there are so many more alternatives.

Sir-Pandabear's picture

Tell me about these alternatives!

To date, I still haven't found anything quite like SK, especially in regard to bombs.

Midnight-Dj's picture
Somewhere between tomorrow and heat death


I was just talking about MMOs in general (as in, more lively player base/player economy/community/support). As for bombs, I guess SK is unique in that regard, but that is not even saying much considering how unbalanced it is.

The only other MMO I play with bombs is Dead Frontier's grenade launchers, but that game makes SK's grind look like a breeze.

I wonder how long we are going to wait for some actual good bomber gear, and shard bombs buffed.

Sir-Pandabear's picture

Well it wouldn't have to be an MMO, I'd actually prefer it wasn't. Some examples of hitting the right note of deliberately chunky-feeling co-op PvE action:

  • Earth Defense Force
  • Gauntlet
  • Dungeon Siege III
  • Earth Defense Force
  • Helldivers
  • Risk of Rain 2, a little bit
  • Castle Crashers
  • Resident Evil 5
  • Bastion (not co-op, but otherwise very SK)
  • Earth Defense Force
  • Mercenary Kings
  • Dark Souls, when the network functions decides to not be the worst network function in videogames
  • Lara Croft and Guardian of Light/Temple of Osiris

But it's really only been EDF where I can get my bombing fix. It has a class and a half dedicated to placed bombs and airstrikes. Helldivers has some of it too.

Reddehwow's picture
i mean its not really a

i mean its not really a conspiracy lol, the reason why they haven't done a console port is because porting a java game from a decade ago over to modern day consoles is infact incredibly difficult and often simply not worth it for larger studios, let alone a tiny indie with (last i checked) a total of 5 employees.

modern engines like unity or unreal definitely make the process *easier* but even then its not all smooth sailing and, frankly, considering the game ISN'T using a modern engine, i cant think of a reason why it would even be worth the effort. if they wanted to magically revitalize the game there are certainly easier ways to do it than the absolute ridiculous undertaking that a console port would be, let alone mobile. how would that even control?

Sir-Pandabear's picture

> let alone mobile. how would that even control?

This is really the least of the problems. It's easy for veterans to forget, but the game by default has you move with the left mouse button and attack with the right. You can already control the game entirely like this, clicking sprite skills to activate and your weapon icon to switch weapons.

On mobile that just means one finger to move, two to attack, possibly having a little icon in the corner to attack instead. SK was pretty nearly designed with mobile controls in mind. Not primarily, but definitely hedging bets for if it was happening someday.

Switch port

I played this game years ago but I’ve moved on from PC/laptop. I don’t think it would be active enough for me to come back to. I own a Switch now and would agree that a port would be the breath of fresh air the game needs. Everyone is on a Switch and Ninjala (a new F2P with a cute and similar artstyle) is really popular at the moment. Spiral Knights is a great game but it’s just gone rn. We can only hope.

Ports would be a long term

Ports would be a long term waste of time. What SK needs is to be remade with a modern engine, ideally UE5. Assets can be reused thanks to the cartoonish style or easily modified to have more geometry and maybe fancier pbr materials. The systems can be simplified at the beginning and be devoled later while correcting what people dont like.

This would allow to use advanced lightning technology that would fit perfectly the style of the game. The tools for making levels etc could be revamped to make them easier to use.

It would look beautiful and GH would make a huge, HUGE mount of money due to the well known name of the IP and the nostalgia. It is a no brainer, but sadly the game is in life support and GH couldnt care less about it. Unless they have been secretly developing this remake/sequel, but that is unlikely.