Small rework for a less frustrating Punch's UV system
I just had a little idea for a small change on the whole Unique variants system, mostly focused on solving the problem of the damage UVs being quite obsolete and not having as much value as attack speed increased (ASI) or charge time reduction (CTR).
I understand that UVs should be rare and all, but I honestly dislike the fact that I can get a monster bonus damage UV on a weapon that’s overall weak to that specific monster (Example: A damage bonus against undead: very high on a Umbral driver), and I feel that getting good UVs is simply has too many RNG involved on it and it’s an excessively annoying and long method to go through, so here is what I would change:
Whenever you buy a UV, instead of having to select a weapon, you will simply just select a ticket from Punch, which would be either the 1, 2 or 3 UV ticket, plus if they want the UV to be for a weapon or for a Shield/Armor, and after buying it, a ticket with a preselected UV/s will be added from your inventory (let’s say I buy a 1 weapon UV ticket myself and I get a ASI: Medium). Afterwards, the player should be able to select that UV ticket and add it to the weapon or armor they prefer. I feel that the tickets should be tradeable too, though this might hit into SK’s economy too much, so I’m not entirely sure here.
Another change I would do it’s that the bonus damage UVs should always be about two monster families that are weak to the same damage type. Here’s the UVs in particular:
- Bonus damage against undead and construct.
- Bonus damage against gremlin and slimes.
- Bonus damage against fiends and beasts.
This should help to make this UVs more useful and at the same time should help to make players don’t just use the Chaos and Black Kat sets so often (aka the meta), and add more variety to the game.
I know this is not a perfect solution to balance the game, but I feel this would be a welcome addition that could give SK more variety in terms of UV and equipment.
And yes, I know that in vanaduke runs this wouldn't be that efective since vanaduke himself is an "unknown" monster, but still, I feel this could have potential to just not be as frustrating as the UV systen is right now.
"Generate good times and make people happy" is sadly not on GH's vocabulary, they just want money and don't want the game to evolve to something that could be maybe risky, but more profiteable for them and enjoyable for the players.
To be honest I would like to pay less for UVs overall and just outright buy them. Maybe like 80K cr for asi/ctr med, 200K for asi/ctr high and 800K cr for very high. That feels fair to me, and like I wouldn't waste my time sorting through garbage. Then they could merge all of the beast highs and undead lows into damage low/med/high/vhigh and balance the armors a bit, so that I can enjoy different play styles based on armor selection. I'll take a large drink with that too.
But no, the people we're dealing with have this idea that we should gamble at all times, because that will make them money. And they're largely correct, I would say, judging by the number of very high ctrs I see. I would argue that the point of the game is to generate good times and make people happy, but it really isn't.