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An idea for an alternative use of the Supply packs.

2 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

Whenever we get into the core from the arcade, there is an NPC that seems to be asking for supplies, what if we make it so you can sell him one of the three Supply packs that you can buy on Vatel’s shop, and in exchange we get some rewards? My idea for it it’s to get randomly one of the following things of this list:

- From the Compact Supply Pack: 3 Flawed orbs of alchemy, 1 simple orb of alchemy, 30 warm fire crystals, 1 spark of live, 10 Slime coins
- From the Standard Supply Pack: 3 Advanced orbs of alchemy, 1 Elite orb of alchemy, 30 Shining fire crystals, 5 sparks of live, 25 Slime Coins.
- From the Deluxe Supply Pack: 3 Elite orb of alchemy, 1 Eternal Orb of alchemy, 30 Radiant fire crystals, 10 Sparks of live, 50 Slime Coins, current lockbox on the price well of elevators (low chance).

As this would be easily exploitable by reach people, I would only let players to exchange 3 packs per run, and all items received would be bounded. This would give more reasons for players to play through Arcade all the way to the core instead of just restarting at the clockwork’s terminal, and would make farming orbs of alchemy more fun overall as you just would have an alternative to farm Vanaduke and pay for them.

And I think this change should also bring with it that instead getting orbs of alchemy from green and red boxes, we should get their corresponding Supply Packages (Compact Supply package instead flawed and simple orbs, Standard Supply package instead of advanced and elite orbs, and Deluxe Supply package instead of eternal orbs), though I’m not sure if this change would be necessary anyways, maybe that would be too impactful for new players.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

This sounds like a fun way to play the game differently and get orbs etc.

I'd personally like to see it be like the grinchlin mission a bit though, the one where you carry the presents- you'd get a supply pack at the beginning of the tier, and you'd carry it to the end. It would slow you down, or lower your stats in some other way, or perhaps even take up weapon slots so that the run is harder.

T1 could grant you 1 and 2 star orbs, T2 could grant 3 star and 4 star orbs, and T3 could grant you Eternals and Rads. It could also be like a group effort- everyone gets the reward for helping the guy with the payload get to the end.

Glad to see someone besides myself posting here btw.

Incredible idea!

I really like your idea way more, Fehzors. More dificulty is something I think the Arcade could have yeah, though slowing down the player's attack speed it's something that feels quite annoying if I say it myself, so I would mostly go with damage penalty, movment speed decrease or some status weaknesses.