Teleporting Charges/Other Charge Issues

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There's nothing more infuriating while playing in the poor servers when my charge from a Flourish only hits once, or my Brandish charge explosions teleport 10 blocks ahead of me and don't hit/knock things back. It seems like these bugged charges can still HIT things at the far distance they spawn at which seems really broken and irritating. Fully charging weapons and letting go but having it do absolutely nothing despite holing a full charge for a second or two while it still seems like gameplay is running is horrible to deal with, especially when bombing when your much needed bomb plant gets completely undone and you get hit repeatedly for it. Or you swap weapons and you're visually holding and charging one weapon but when you release, it throws another weapon's charge out instead.
I don't understand how this "teleporting charge" bug is in the game, how does it push your charge so far away from you when your position doesn't change? Point blank charges of weapons seemingly missing despite neither player or enemy moving at all. All these bugs happening consistently with the shoddy servers ruins the game. Everyone teleports and shifts when lag spikes occur in a squad, it's not just my problem alone.