Have the missions give more radiant fire crystals to aid in player retention

So right now you get....
Prior to post-vanguard: 70 radiant crystals...
Post vanguard: 45 rads = 1/10th of an item :(
That's like 1/3 of an item. That's a lot of grinding to put onto newer players. How about a lil stimulus for them? Bump that up to say, 20x for vana and below and 50x for post vanguard. So Vanaduke would give 500 rads. That means the first time you do Vanaduke, you can heat an item. Just one item... and players have... say, 4-5ish weapons, 2 armors and a shield, at least? To heat? This would let them heat their gear and get into the game more.
20x 70 = 1.4K rads = 3 items or so for beating vanaduke
50x 45 = 2.25K rads = 5 items or so after vanaduke, which would come much later or if they got carried..
Just a thought. You don't have to be a developer to do this either. Just poke the numbers a bit and it'll help out player retention

Didn't got there yet, but shouldn't Dreams and Nightmares mission be a good place to farm radiants? I was thinking that's how devs intended to add replay value to current endgame-ish game condition.. thing.

The issue is that players don't have enough gear heated to tackle dreams and nightmares or really any other areas that give rads, creating a catch-22 of sorts. I think the game would be better if players started with that first crucial set done.
Agree, but make those rads only usable on Cobalt Set. Then it's balanced. And less confusing
Just give players the options of crafting up fire crystals? 10 shining for 3 radiants might be good, still grindy, but at least that means new players can grind at their own pace.