[Event] Community Live Auction Chapter 4 - [Finished]

Greetings again! It's almost time for the Community Live Auction, there's about 11 days from the time of making this post. I'm Rakaraka and this is the 4th time we're going to be hosting this event, since it's almost time for the Holidays there'll be some more interesting things going on.
Important Dates & Locations
- December 19th, 8:00PM GMT - Live Auction - The Live Auction will be conducted in an empty haven. I will announce this is all populated havens a few minutes before the Live Auction.
What is the Community Live Auction?
The Community Live Auction is an event for players to get together to quickly sell off and buy each others goods! A lot of items usually go for good prices during these events, whether it be for cheap or for much more than expected due to someone really wanting to buy the item. The main draw is that you can auction off your items without any sales taxes from the Auction House. You get 100% of the revenue.
How it works
- Players can submit up to 3 items to be auctioned off.
- In order to auction off their item, the player must show up to the Live Auction with said items. I will NOT be holding any items. If you do not show up, we will skip you.
- I will conduct the Live Auction and the auctioneer is expected to make the trade. If the auctioneer does not make the trade, they will be disqualified from the Live Auction and we will skip the rest of their items
- There are NO sale taxes unlike the in-game Auction House.
- After there have been no bids for a period of time, I will countdown and if no one bids, the item sells
You may submit items here [closed]
We will be accepting late submissions this time, but only 1 submission per person.
Before you submit, please consider the following:
- All items will start at a 1cr bid, your item can go for any amount of money. It could go really cheap or very expensive. Do not submit your item if you are not okay with this.
Post Event
The event was pretty good! Everything went mostly smoothly. Next event we will be making some more changes, such as allowing sellers to set minimum bids and further penalizing people who troll or ghost bid. Hope to see you there! We will also be placing restrictions on what kind of items can be listed in order to filter out troll listings, before there was that much of an issue but we don't want to waste anyone's time. Hope to see you there! This next auction should feature some very very nice items ;)
The next Community Live AH will be January 23rd. Submissions will open up 1 week prior.

Haunted Aura - 51k
Toasty Devious Hrons - 80k
Sweat Dreams CTR Med - 690k
Light Shard - 100kcrs
Dark Shard - 20kcr
Grasping Aura - 190kcr
Black Kat Cowl Poi High - 350kcr
Book of Dark Rituals - 1.1mcr
ShadowTech Green Airbraker Shield - 350kcr
ShadowTech Green Snow Pom Pom Hat - 70kcr
ShadowTech Green Down Puffer (Unzipped) - 175kcr
69 Zappers - 11kcr
Late Submissions:
Celestial Nav Suit - 40kcr
ShadowTech Orange Boater - 10kcr
Wicked Shoulder Booster - 30kcr
Tabard Aquamarine - 28kcr
Crest of Summer - 50kcr
Wicked Vertical Vents - 135kcr
Feral Kat Suit - 70kcr
All 3 Slumber Night Caps - 400kcr
Prismatic Bolted Vee - 10kcr
Glacial Astute Set - 310kcr
Dusky Ankle Boosters - 150kcr
Divine Captain Coat - 130kcr
Emerald Raiment - 60kcr
Prismatic Node Container - 220kcr
Caladbolg CTR High - Unsold, was ghost bidded. Most people had left already anyways.
Current Order:
1. Rakaraka
2. Vikaes
3. Yatez
4. Doom-Angel
5. Airbee
6. Defufe
7. Daniel-Jawar
8. Turbillion