[Event] Community Live Auction Chapter 6 - [February 27th, 8:00PM GMT]

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Rakaraka's picture

Greetings again! It's almost time for the Community Live Auction. I'm Rakaraka and this is the 6th! time we're going to be hosting this event. We have made a single, but important change! We will no longer have preliminary submissions, it is a completely unnecessary step in the live auction process. This was clearly shown by the last event. The event will be taking place on February 27th, 8:00PM GMT.

What is the Community Live Auction?
The Community Live Auction is an event for players to get together to quickly sell off and buy each others goods! A lot of items usually go for good prices during these events, whether it be for cheap or for much more than expected due to someone really wanting to buy the item. The main draw is that you can auction off your items without any sales taxes from the Auction House. You get 100% of the revenue.

How it works
Players can submit up to 3 items to be auctioned off. You will submit by mailing me the name and starting bid of up to 3 items. If you'd like advice on what to set your starting bids at, you can talk to me and potentially other people for price checks. The submission process will be done a few minutes before the live auction commences. This is to eliminate any worries about selling your items, forgetting to submit, or being unsure about what items you will submit.

Bidding Rules

  • Please do all your bidding in /zone so everyone sees, only bids done in /zone will be counted.
  • When you are outbidding someone, you are not allowed to outbid by an extremely small amount, for many not as expensive items, +1kcr is fine but as we get higher +5kcr and +10kcr bids are to be expected.
  • I will countdown once there have not been any bids after a period of time, then the item will sell. You will then need to trade the auctioneer to get your items.
  • Please do all your bids in crowns, you may pay in energy at the end using a conversion rate. The conversion rate will depend on the market at the time of the auction.

All you have to do this time around is show up to the event and wait for the call that I am now accepting submissions. I will do this shortly after giving out the rules.

Additionally, we will not be having a Community Live Auction in March. I will provide more information on that later. See you there knights!