Can Black Kats spawn in Scarlet Fortress?

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Can Black Kats spawn in Scarlet Fortress?

Goofio's picture

As far as I know, they can only spawn from the monster boxes in Scarlet Fortress, so it's not really worth it to farm those levels.

But Kats spawn in Scarlet

But Kats spawn in Scarlet Fortress though

Goofio's picture

Yes, there are lots of Spookats in Scarlet Fortress, but various people have found that Black Kats don't appear where the Spookats spawn. Black Kats only appear occasionally in the monster boxes, where any monster can spawn.

You can try it if you want, maybe things have changed recently... A few years ago, I tried farming Scarlet Fortress for a little while and didn't have any success.

Ryukusu-Luminarius's picture

Yesterday I got a Black Kat in the Scarlet Fortress instead of a normal Kat.

Bopp's picture
not surprising

One could exclude Scarlet Fortress from black kat spawns, depending on how the code is structured. However, to me as an outsider it makes the most sense to have black kats spawn at some frequency wherever a kat spawns. So I tend to believe this latest report, that black kats can spawn in Scarlet Fortress, even if they are rare there because there are not many kats there.

Rakaraka's picture
After doing some investigating

They can only spawn in arcade scarlet fortresses, not the mission ones.

Goofio's picture

If that's the case, then the Amber Lion gate might be a decent alternative to farming Alone in the Dark or Weight of Darkness all day.