charodnas... a tragic soty..

once... dere was peppo... he waz da motste ancitnts an ldret of grreklnad... he libed in athne... prolly..
hiz master waz pyhtogros.. da peppo who invnets da phythodos theroy... da maths one wit beeg ol tringles you knows?? a real smorts peppo dat one..
chaorndos was a real smorts peppo u knows.. an he was pacifisted!!! he smorts so he knows da life is all preious.
he says to all dem peppos in da greeksland... he says
ok peppis.. we haz been vilnet... now we moste beans all weponds an sworssz from dis here ol roman senat! u knos?? so we ocant kill en no peppos!
an dey all greekis sai... wow charondos... u smorts.. u real smortz peppo...
so dey is beane all dem lil peppo shopr stuffz.. so no achern.. u knos???
den one day dis lil peppo charondos... he playz LD too muchems u kno.. so he acudiently fohrgots!! he had a beeg ol peppo achoern on his hip!! an he eners da roman senat!!! uh oh!!!
dey peppos sai
wow charndos!! u haz beroughts a beeg old peppy achoern!! into da senat!! u say s no weps!!
an chaodnso... he weptz... fo he had seens em.. an seen dey waz rite... he didz has da beeg ol pepi acherinon on hiz hipp...
so chaondos.. he waz smorts an honours... he sais to all em peppos.. ind a sent...
he sais..
no ahceron in senat guis...
an den he did it.. chaondos beane himself... irl...
so u iz thinkin.. ok rangy... so wats u tells uz beeg brain peppo spirol knghts playas bout dis dum ol charondos???
an i sais... peppis... chaondos waz a beeg ol peppi smorts... eben smorts dan u..
an he still forgts he haz acherooni on hiz hip..
we moste needs a fueatreu dat automatics unquips ur weapns whenevr we iz in haven...
becaus haevn is lik roman senat... we moste not haz vilolned... so no ahcorennis allowes in haven u know???
yes peppos.. yes... on dis day.. we rmrbr cahrondos...