My name is Adam (ign: Flamingosftw) and I am an anthropology student at Creighton University. I would like your help with my research project, which aims to understand community resilience by examining why people engage in things. If you agree to help me with my project, I will send you 15,000 crowns if you send me your ign in direct messages.
Your participation will be anonymous. If you agree to participate, please click on this link: https://participant.groupwisdom.tech/project/1852/sorting-rating
A webpage will open with links to Participant Questions, Sorting, and Rating. Participant Questions will ask about you and your involvement with the community, Sorting will ask about how you see relationships between things, and Rating will ask about how each thing’s relevance.
Please complete all four activities. This should take about 10 minutes. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Thank you very much,