IGN: Daniel-jawar
WTS Pris: wolver tail, field node aura, volt headset /wicked : gear halo, dragon wings, grasping aura, wicked ankle booste /volcanic : whiskers, dust bunny tail, bent vert vent
WTS celestial: wolver tail /toasty eye of fury /hazardous draped /voltaic plasma wings /sprialhorn volcanic /tech green slippers
WTS wooly pullover /tech blue snow hat /pompom snow hat volcanic and divine /divine devious horns /regal spiralhorns /pearl aura
WTS baleful aura / dusky eye of fury /toasty tome of rage /wolver slippers /somnambulists totem / moonlight leafy aura c/o 10m
WTS Pris: wolver tail, field node aura, volt headset /wicked : gear halo, dragon wings, grasping aura, wicked ankle booste /volcanic : whiskers, dust bunny tail, bent vert vent
WTS celestial: wolver tail /toasty eye of fury /hazardous draped /voltaic plasma wings /sprialhorn volcanic /tech green slippers
WTS wooly pullover /tech blue snow hat /pompom snow hat volcanic and divine /divine devious horns /regal spiralhorns /pearl aura
WTS baleful aura / dusky eye of fury /toasty tome of rage /wolver slippers /somnambulists totem / moonlight leafy aura c/o 10m